Sunday, June 8, 2014

Motorists who write text messages behind the wheel more dangerous than drunk … and … – naTemat

most dangerous on the road are drunk drivers? Nothing could be further from the truth. It turns out that a much weaker reflexes behind the wheel show the people who, before starting the engine smoked marijuana. Much more dangerous of the two groups, however, are completely sober people who have decided to write SMS-s leading auto.


 Texting is more dangerous on the road than drunk drivers and those which authors got behind the wheel after smoking marijuana.

Texting is more dangerous on the road than drunk drivers and those who got behind the wheel after smoking marijuana. Fig. Przemysław Wing / Agency Newspaper

The danger of drivers who send text messages leading car,

pay attention to the experts of the British Transport Research Laboratory. They recently conducted a special experiment on the youngest group of drivers who prefer to reach for the phone while driving.

Subjects were aged from 17 to 24 years were given the task of running so the car in the conditions of the simulator and writing SMS. Then, the same test was carried out under conditions which allow only focus on the road. As a result, it was found that when writing text messages and the ability to react to events on the road is reduced by up to 35 per cent ..

This result is much higher than that observed by examining kierowców, who before entering the car drank alcohol. For them, reflexes decreased because of an average of 12 percent .. We also found that alcohol on the ability to drive the car much harder affects use of cannabis. After joincie responds by as much as 21 percent. slower.

Read also:


  • Facebook wants to read SMS users. Update controversial

Source: Daily Mail

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