Today, June 2 (14:44)
company Space X unveiled its variant manned space capsule Dragon. Through a series of images met her look, and recently published a video to show us how to dock to the International Space Station (ISS) and lands on the surface of the Earth – isolated and accuracy of the helicopter.
SpaceX Dragon V2 is currently the most
manned spaceship, which is able to take seven astronauts on board the ISS and back. Not only that, because in contrast to currently used Russian Sojuzów, Dragon V2 not land in the waters of the ocean, and vertically on the flyer and with great accuracy. On board, in addition to the crew, come to three tons of equipment. Manned company SpaceX capsule not replace but transport version, which has already won kloty to the ISS. Capsule Dragon V2 is reusable and it is this feature makes it absolutely unique, as it will drastically reduce the cost of manned flights in space. Data published on the site SlashGear that NASA pays Russia 71 million. for providing on board the ISS one astronaut. Elon Musk for the flight on board the Dragon V2 wishes to less than $ 20 million.
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