Sunday, June 8, 2014

Today we will meet Moon with Mars. The phenomenon seen … – News 24

the night of 7 to 8 June will meet the Moon and Mars – said Dr. Arkadiusz Olech Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw.

/ Fig. To RHorning and later modified by Scooter20 (Own work, based on the these sources.) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons to the closest
approach occurs in the chair. 1:31 (distance of only 1.5 degrees), but with observations not worth the wait for such a late hour, because at this time the moon of Mars are low on the western horizon. Therefore, the phenomenon is best observed around midnight, then both objects will be several degrees above the south – western horizon and will be clearly visible – reports Polish Radio for the PAP.

like Dr. Arkadiusz Olech , the Moon in its path on the celestial sphere moves to the background of stars and planets, approaching many of them. Such phenomena appear most strikingly when a star or planet is clear, or when the moon is very close to the object.

This phenomenon can be observed with the naked eye. However, it is equipped with a telescope or a telescope. Thanks to them, you will see the details of the moon, and the same shield of Mars.

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