Friday, April 26, 2013

Cellular war. How to change the Orange offer market operators ... -

“Total bottom” – as Chris Bannister, former president of Play, defined the competitiveness of the Polish telecommunications market, the rule for the three operators. It certainly would give it a high score. The scale and speed of the price war have reached in our world standards. Last week proved that the operators have a lot of determination, quick reflexes and unconventional ideas. Orange first announced the creation of a new brand …

– primary task is to attract customers who are interested in mainly low price – said Maciej Witucki, president of the Orange. That these were not empty words, we saw on Thursday, when we met pricing. And that will not remain unnoticed – already three hours later when his counteroffer announced Play.

fierce price war between mobile operators

Although the price war has never been so fierce, it has been going on for years. According to Witold Tomaszewski, chief industry portal Technopolis, have entered into its fifth phase. And it all started with Hayah that in 2004, offered payphones minute costs 98 cents and the timing of the second for free. Since then there was no need to pay for the minutes started, but only used seconds (previously this option with subscription fee required 5-10 z?).

Phase two – zone play in 2007 with a rate of 0,49 z? per minute.

Third – 2009 and Play Fresh offer pre-paid price of 0,29 z? / min.

Fourth – March 2012 and Formula 4.0, which is no limits for 100 z?. Earlier unlimited calls were available mainly in the business offers for – a trifle – from 300 to 500 z?. – The movement strongly flattened pricing Play – says Witold Tomaszewski.

I probably similar effect will last move Orange: bold price cut coupled with a change of charging mechanism. So we pay more than what we use, and not more than 57 z? per month. For everything – calls, SMS and Internet. offer is cheaper by one third since no limits, convenient, because entirely online, and alteration, as concluded in just one month, not 12, and that requires the purchase of the phone (SIM-only). So attractive that Orange has announced it is not in his own, but a brand new flag.

Read more: Is talking on a cell phone will be cheaper?

– If this is not done, there would be a tender cannibalism within Orange – cheaper po?ar?aby expensive. And so separated her to a safe distance using a separate brand, graphic design and web sales – says Jerzy Kubasik from Poznan University of Technology, an expert in the telecommunications market.


operators are counting on customers carrying number

Creating a new brand has a different purpose. – Mobile market is saturated. Who wanted a cell already has it. And who wants to have more customers, you must pick up their competitors. Those can literally move your number one day – says Witold Tomaszewski.

Cheap brand with a strong lure great price just for that. – And that’s difficult trying to copy the offer by the other operators – says Michael Paschalis-Jakubowicz, director of marketing for mobile services in Orange.

Probably for this reason, select a date: the last week before the long weekend. Competition or must answer now, or next week. Even – or anyhow. Per week – or late. And in between? Then the information goes into the void, because journalists, and customers will not mind scrutinizing bids teleoperatorów.

The first variant chosen to play. His retort was swift, but the “Not so cheap, or finesse” – the first reactions after the announce ment on Friday, details of the offer Red Bull Mobile No Limits. The main objection? – Lack of flexibility. In pay as much as you will use. And here, if wydzwoni one or one thousand minutes, the bill is the same – 29.5 z? – Witold Tomaszewski notes.

For the price I Play has no limits calls to all mobile and fixed data packet 50 MB of and access to YouTube and Facebook. Activation costs 49 z?. A breach of contract – nothing, because this amounts to an indefinite period.

Can we expect further counteroffers? – It’s only a matter of time – says Witold Tomaszewski. – To take over a million customers. If it were less, Orange would not come into it.

Who else turns to war?

Indeed. At the time of this writing, the announcement of new tenders signaled Virgin and T-Mobile. It is therefore becoming increasingly clear that the creation of, and offer trigger slump in taryfikatorach for mobile services. – First of all, it will be cheaper and easier – says Jerzy Kubasik. Cheaper, because you will be paying only for the services used. Simply because the operators have been basic and quite poor offer pay-enclosed lots of options that obscured the view of the whole. A can understand in five minutes.

It also foresees the inclusion in the flat rate international calls, which at the moment are billed separately.

As a result of fierce competition for customers will be a further decline in ARPU, or operator revenue from one customer. It used to be an average of 100 per month, now below 40 Operators will lose, gain customers. Effect of healthy competition, the lack of pointing out to us Chris Bannister.

Read also: Expert: RedBull Mobile of Play “is not competing with”

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