Pedophilia in the Church is a big problem. Recently declared war on the Pope Francis (Photo by Rafal Mielnik / Newspaper Agency)
resident Inowroc?awia (Kujawsko-Pomorskie) was arrested by the court on suspicion of possession and distribution of child pornography. The man is a clergyman, a vicar in one of Inowroc?aw parish.
During the search of the premises it occupies Marek M., officers found the criminals electronic storage devices, two laptops and mobile phones. – On closer examination it turned out that there are pornography involving children under 15 years – adds Duziak.
priest taught religion in school
According to unofficial sources close to the prosecution know that Mark M. is a priest who speak of two years in one of the parishes in the Inowroc?awia. The duties of the priest should include teaching of religion in school, previously enjoyed a good reputation as an organizer of various religious projects for children and young people.
For possession and dissemination of child pornography is punishable by six months to eight years in prison.

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