SpaceShipTwo took a very important test flight. What could be done at the same time?
spacecraft SpaceShipTwo (SS2) rose into the air with the help of the mother ship. After removing the first solo
worth noting that SS2 will wynoszony the upper atmosphere with the help of the mother ship. Only after disconnecting will go to outer space, where passengers for a few minutes you will feel firsthand what it means to be in a state of weightlessness. Then the machine will return to Earth alone.
– This is an important day and the most important single flight of our program Virgin Galactic. This is the moment in which we were able to combine two key elements – a spaceship and rocket engine, which until now for several years were tested separately – Branson said.
Richard Branson of months promises a great revolution in the subject of space tourism. At the beginning of this year, the ship was to take the first Komos wealthy adventurers. Eventually acquitted themselves much better to other private company – SpaceX.
article from the category: Technauka

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