Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Google Glass: a very personal eye - Republic


Source: Bloomberg

Revolutionary Google Glass can not borrow or sell. For those who will try to threaten the company costing $ 1,500 excluding gadget.

Google Glass is a new device combining continuous access to the Internet and Google services with a display right in front of the user – hence the name. This is one of the most anticipated gadgets in the market. It can change the way we use mobile equipment – perhaps replace smartphones and tablets. Glasses will come to market later this year.

class=”c4″ src=”http://static.presspublica.pl/red/rp/img/nauka/fb_m.jpg” For now, Google provides a first series of carefully chosen equipment members of the Explorers. To get to it you had to win the contest. The few Google has enabled the purchase of equipment for only $ 1500. They get it in batches in the coming weeks.

And here the problems started. One of the “chosen few” staged desired by all glasses up for auction on eBay. Starting price: 5 thousand. Dollars. Volunteers were many and the price soared – up to 95 300 U.S. dollars. And that’s before selling – “Ed from Philly” – received a shipment Google Glass.

acted quickly. She pointed out that the

regulations clearly prohibit rental and resale of the unit. In other words – those who pay $ 1,500 for an electronic gadget can not freely dispose of it. And if someone does not follow the rules devised by Google? A company can remotely deactivate glasses. A check who is currently using the gadget is simple, because it is related to a specific account of Google services to be determined at the time of purchase.

is not known whether similar rules will apply to customers when Google Glass hits the open market.

– If this device will be as successful as, say, the iPhone, and will become part of the daily lives of people, it turns out that we follow the path of total control. It is not clear to me whether the behavior of the company is illegal, because it is the matter of the contract – says the magazine “Wired” Corynne McSherry of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.


Glass is not the first time raises concerns about the privacy rights of users and bystanders. Earlier protests sparked disclosure that the glasses are in a virtually imperceptible to take photos and record videos, tag people in them, and put it all on the Internet.


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