Other companies involved in analyzing the mobile phone market outdo each other in providing more and more recent reports on the individual segments.
Strategy Analytics reported data on the sale of mobile devices in the first quarter of 2013 on a global basis.
the company’s data shows that during the first three months, it sold 373 million new devices, of which nearly 210 million were smartphones.
Importantly, the global number of devices below shows sales by 5.3 million compared to the same period of the previous year (a decrease of 1.4 percent.).
reached a different conclusion from researchers at IDC, which were described in this publication.
Most devices in the first quarter of 2013, selling Samsung appliances 106.6 million (14.1 million more y / y). 28.6 per cent. market share gives a definite concern primacy.
second in the statement Nokia sold in the quarter by 25 percent. units less than in the previous year: 61.9 million, an increase of 20.8 million units less. The second item in the statement of 16, 6 per cent. market share in the Finnish company this is due above all constantly good sales of traditional mobile phones.
is only the third American Apple, which has sold handing 37.4 million of its members’ iSprz?tów “, which was 2.3 million more than last year. According to the data, just one in ten new phone had in the last quarter logo apples.
is followed by the representatives of Asia, with a market share of less than 5 per cent ..
LG, which recently showed off a new smartphone, launched by 2.5 million units of products more than a year ago, achieving sales of 16.2 million, representing 4.3 per cent. the world market.
ZTE, part of which is only 3.5 the phone market fell to fifth place (last year was the fourth). Appeared on the market only 13 million
storm gaining hearts and content pocket portable communication device users. This year, the world has purchased 209.5 million smart phones, which means an increase in sales of 36.2 percent. compared to 153.8 million, which appeared on the market in the same period of the previous year.
Due to the growing share of this type of furniture in the sale of all the mobile phones, the leader, as well as the entire field is Samsung, which reported a 56-percent. growth by selling 69.4 million of its smartphones. His unit accounted for 33.1 percent. of all smartphones sold in the first three months of this year.
second ranked Apple gave into the hands of the market 37.4 million new iPhones, and the Americans lost the market share for the first time in history, reaching a figure of less than 20 percent. (17.9 percent)..
third place, with a slight advantage over Chinese competitors is LG. LG Smart Line was recognized by 10.3 million customers, which is the result of more than twice better than the previous year (4.9 million). Retiring his place on the podium Huawei has launched 10 million units, which is also 4.9 million more than in the same period a year earlier. Market shares Huawei thanks from 3.3 to 4.8 percent. global sales.
Big Five providers is ZTE. The concern of the Middle sold 9.1 million units (compared with 4.6 million the previous year), and its products were in the first quarter of 2013 4.3 percent. all new smart appliances segment.
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