General Relativity is almost 100 years old. It was published by Albert Einstein in 1916. It is still the best description of gravity, which binds all matter in the universe.
was known for a long time that Einstein’s theory works well in our “coming around” – for example, in the solar system. But is very strange places, where gravity is much stronger, there will still be subject to the same laws?
Read also:
Polish astrophysicist confirms the theory of relativity
Until now, scientists
failed to investigate this, but the southern European Observatory failed to examine dual system J0348 0432 – a place where gravity spacetime brandishes a much stronger than the Sun or Earth.
Astronomers have studied
because the behavior of the two objects: a massive neutron star orbiting another star very closely. A neutron star is an extremely dense. This, though twice as heavy as the Sun, a diameter of only 20 km. On the surface gravity is so dense body is hundreds of billions of times stronger than the Earth’s surface. A neutron star, a remnant of a supernova explosion, it may revolve around his companion’s really close. One lap in just three hours.
researchers observed the change in the neutron star’s orbit over
– We thought that this system can be sufficiently extreme environmental science to reveal any cracks in the General Theory of Relativity. But none of this – Einstein’s prediction going strong – says Paulo Freire of the Max Planck Institute for radioastronomy in Germany, one of the authors of the paper.
Figure ESO / L. Calçada

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