2014-02-20 22:59
Author: George Gozdek
By Reuters Photo from Lebanon proved photomontages? Affair! With the Sony servers stolen data 77 million customers and one of them did not tell you? Affair! The iOS-ie vulnerability was found causing rapid depletion of the battery? If you believe the international press, is also a scandal …
Newspapers eagerly blows the slightest stumble celebrities, organizations and businesses to gigantic proportions, even developed a special way of calling more or less serious scandals. Commentators cited above events specified, respectively, as press officers Reutersgate, Sonygate and Batterygate, a common terminal, gate “is by no means accidental. Refers it to Watergate, which in the 70s swept from office of U.S. President Richard Nixon.
would be wrong, however, the one who would judge that end, gate “itself has any meaning. Rather, it began to appear in the names of scandals that have moved public opinion, rather accidentally, and precisely because of the place where took the biggest scandal of postwar America. idea Watergate office complex located in the north-western part of Washington, which in 1972 housed the headquarters of the Democratic Party. Jun. 17, 1972 roku there caught red-handed five burglars trying to install wiretaps in rooms used by Democrats. Shortly afterwards it turned out that they were acting on behalf of President Richard Nixon, coming from a competitive Republican Party. storm that broke out after this discovery, forced Nixon to resign and enrolled in the American consciousness so much that the name of the tip, , gate “began to give each subsequent scandal.
Patricia Dunn, photo sfgate.com
scandals in the technological giants
In this manner indistinguishable from Washington’s Watergate complex landscape became a patron of numerous real and alleged scandals. An example of this Hewlett-Packard-gate in 2006, when it was revealed that the HP board – on request chairman Patricia Dunn – hired independent investigators aimed to find the source of leakage of corporate information. There would be nothing wrong with that, if not the methods used by investigators. They have commissioned private detectives to spy on a few board members and nine journalists working for, inter alia
CNET and recognized newspapers such as The New York Times’ and ‘Wall Street Journal’. Were used at the illegal methods of social engineering. Admittedly, President Dunn stated that she had no idea, but neither the media nor the public prosecutor’s office did not give her faith. Although ultimately withdrawn placed her allegations, but she always had to part ways with the company, which has devoted
eight years of age.
Sometimes, however, the media provide a label with the tip, gate “events much smaller caliber. Sometimes it’s not just about the deplorable negligence, technical errors or hidden solutions introduced quietly in new products. since this started among other things, the so-called. rootkitgate, that scandal DRM protect against illegal copying of CDs from the record label Sony. scandal erupted when it was discovered that on any computer used to play the disc was installed rootkit spyware user and transmits the information on the Sony servers about it. Between 2005 -2007 on the market until it hit 22 million CDs equipped with the treacherous security. Admittedly, Sony withdrew from the sale of these media, but those who bought Spyware plates, had to wait a whole year to publish patches to enable them to groom their computers. The Japanese paid dearly for this error: the courts grant the victims even after the $ 150 for each infected disc.
In recent years, information technology is more and more scandals. This greatly contributes to the Apple, especially that journalists delight in stigmatizing any weaknesses in its products. When a customer outrage caused confusion iPhone 4 antenna designer, the media quickly began to write about, Antennagate “and corrected within a month a bug in iOS-e 6, causing rapid battery consumption, was the cause of talking about, Batterygate”.
Adria Richards, fot.theurbanpolitico.com
The central figure in the scandal it was probably a dream programmer Adria Richards, who in March hit the headlines in Western newspapers context, Donglegate. “source of scandal sexist jokes were two men involved in the programming PyCon conference in California, Santa Clara. Admittedly, They just talked about, big dongles “-
under the name conceals the USB keys sometimes used to block computers – but allusions in their statements referred Richards sitting upset enough to do the photo and published it on Twitter and with virulent commentary. Such action programmer proved to be effective – the two men quickly asked to leave the room. The scandal broke out a few days later: first, the whole situation has been the subject of lively debate among Internet users, then its position Richards presented the employer, resolving a contract with them. According to the company, Twitter, was not a suitable medium, which was to be used.
Today, hardly anyone remembers about the whole thing, like a hundred thousand diplomatic cables that three years ago he published WikiLeaks, calling the Cablegate affair. In this context, the story of the Watergate complex turns out to be surprisingly accurate epilogue outworn scandals: office buildings stand empty for years, and when in 2009 it staged the auction, fails to none willing to buy them.
scandals in the history of the IT industry in a nutshell
Watergate complex, photo Wikipedia.com
Watergate Department (1972)
Patroness of all subsequent scandals, gate “in the name: the American President Nixon loses his position as an attempt to eavesdrop on political opponents offices in the Watergate complex.
Rootkitgate (from 2005)
mechanism of DRM on CDs Sony’s spying on the computers on which they play, and transmits the collected data to Sony.
Reutersgate (2006r.)
Photographer Adnan Hajj provides a Reuters photo fabricated from Beirut to present the conflict in Lebanon in a more dramatic way.
HP-gate (2006r.)
Investigators hired by HP chairman Patricia Dunn are caught spying on members of the Board and journalists.
AOL-gate (2006r.)
AOL publishes information about 20 million search phrases on the web by users of the portal. It turns out that the individual expression can be readily mapped to specific people.
Murdoch, fot.luxedb.com
Hackgate (2006r.)
turns out to light that the British magazine, News of the World “since 2002 eavesdropping phones of celebrities, politicians and the royal family. As a result of the scandal must resign from the position of Rupert Murdoch, a long-time president of media conglomerate News Corporation .
Antennagate (2010r.)
ill-iPhone 4 antenna design causes dropped calls when the user is holding the phone the wrong way.
Cablegate (2010r.)
Wikileaks publishes 100 000 diplomatic cables from U.S. embassies, many of compromising content.
Webcamgate (2010r.)
the Philadelphia Board of Education provides students with notebooks and then spying on them via webcam built into the device.
SATAgate (2011r.)
error in the design of the Intel chipset causes SATA interface malfunction 3 The problem affects about 8 million CDs equipped with the faulty circuits.
Batterygate (2011r.)
After updating to iOS 5 Apple devices discharge in the blink of an eye. The necessary amendment appears a month later.
Bendgate (2012r.)
Some iPhone 5 is easy to bend, and thus destroy – the fault of the evil aluminum alloy used to produce them. Some are curved right out of the box.
Donglefate (2013r.)
programmer Adria Richards censures on Twitter obscene jokes at the conference is for the computer and it dismissed.
Photo laptop come from Shutterstock
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