Friday, February 28, 2014

Windows 8.1 for free? Microsoft plans betrayed by ... -

Russian site has revealed screenshots of the new version of “windows”. The license information appears name “Windows 8.1 with Bing”. It has to be free.

not see the key differences between this version and what at the moment is available to users. One visible difference is obviously the integration of systems and services search engine Bing (eg maps).

free version, but if it occurs, will probably intended for manufacturers of computers and laptops. Reduced license fee to zero would help produce cheaper devices based on the latest Windows. It would be quite natural – after all, Google is trying with all his might to convince consumers to Chromebooków, or handheld computers running Chrome OS. Producers could “double save” because the

Chrome OS and Android Microsoft gets after all the fees associated with patents. I earn on this fortune.

Windows with Bing



Microsoft, which derives the greatest benefit from the business segment, will certainly want to test whether the abolition of licensing fees is enough to stimulate the market. This seems all the more interesting that after a “free android” costs each manufacturer … five U.S. dollars per unit.

giant from Redmond has planned for the coming months a number of important changes. In April ends support for most versions of Windows XP. In the same month, according to reports Cnet service is to be made available to users with updated Windows 8.1. So big changes are coming, the free version of Windows to OEMs does not seem so surprising idea.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Samsung, Nokia and Facebook have different visions of the Internet [REPORT FROM ... - Newsweek Poland

selling our smartphones and mobile gadgets Samsung perfected the art of making, but Nokia and Facebook are trying to come up with our digital world for five years.


premiere industry new technologies have not yet seen. In Barcelona, ??shown on Monday, the latest model Samsung Galaxy S5. At the world’s largest at the Mobile World Congress meets every year 70 thousand. people. Nevertheless, Samsung decided that he needed something bigger – hired a separate convention center, invited 6,5 thousand. visitors to show Galaxy S5. This is for a Korean company for the next year’s flagship product (so far sold on the world 200 million devices in this series).

Although the difference compared to the previous model, the Galaxy is not at first sight appear, progress, as always, was packed in the middle – faster electronics, better camera, longer battery operated. It should, however, pay attention to the setting of the event, at which the lavish

premiere in Hollywood is a piece of cake – guests counted in the thousands, the world’s largest screens for presentations, speeches prepared in the style of Steve Jobs.

new Samsungu all prepared for the affluent client. But also a phone that will hit the market in early April, the cheapest belonged not be – the so-called smarfton from the top shelf. Similarly, as shown for the first time new smart-watches: Gear 2 and Gear Fit. Especially the latter made a big impression: design and color, curved touchscreen display. Both watches – with a multitude of exercise and a healthy lifestyle, it is also the product for the customer cares about himself, obsessively focused on being fit (more pictures of phones and gadgets, I’m referring to – in the gallery to the text).

Korean giant clearly stared at the patterns of Apple. He started with cheap electronics, now tempts customers with premium category who buy expensive gadgets will give more to earn the manufacturer. The ability to squeeze money from the richest 20 percent. population is great news for the owners and shareholders of Samsung, but it is not a major trend in which will develop the world of technology and the Internet in the coming years. The future is elsewhere.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Microsoft lowered the price of Windows 8.1 for cheap computers ... -

Apparently not very satisfactory results popularity systems operating Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 Microsoft finally forced to take an extremely serious step, and thus lower the price of the license. According to unofficial information, the company has made reductions up to 67%. It is worth noting, however, that this only applies to PC manufacturers (OEMs).

Joe Belfiore from Microsoft which is true details of the information is not confirmed, but admitted that the company’s actions are aimed at making that manufacturers will be able to reduce costs in order to offer “an excellent experience with the Windows platform at very competitive prices.” Belfiore in a diplomatic way, unless explicitly unofficially confirmed the news, which shows that for computers costing under $ 250 price licenses for Windows 8.1 was reduced from 50 to just $ 15.

Why such a big discount? More recently, Microsoft announced that since the launch of sales of the product introduced a total of 200 million licenses of Windows 8 and Windows 8.1. This means that a day around the world the company sold an average of 420,000 licenses. For comparison, Microsoft only sold 240 million year licenses of Windows 7, while a lower value, 200,000,000, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 is reached after 15 months. 200 million licenses sold, of course, a lot, but at the same time sale “tiled” of Windows, is noticeably weaker than the “sevens”.

lowering the price of licensing Microsoft wants to achieve several goals. After the first cut will make the computer manufacturers spend less on licenses and could theoretically translate into lower prices for finished products. Of course there is also the possibility that manufacturers will use the savings to improve their financial performance, selling computers in current prices. Second, Microsoft lowering the price of the license can increase their sales and ultimately increase the share of Windows 8.1 operating system market, which could further attract developers who would create new applications – primarily a “tiled”. Thirdly price reduction may constitute a form of defense against free operating system Google Chrome OS, which is still not somehow specially noticeable in the market, but for Microsftu is a potential threat – is primarily in the segment of cheap personal computers.

As reported by Bloomberg, even before the reduction, major manufacturers licenses could buy at a price of about $ 30, but you had to meet specific conditions. One of the most important was the active participation in campaigns and all marketing activities to promote Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

Lowering prices

license for Windows 8.1 makes the question is, what’s next operating system Windows RT? This platform, designed for the cheapest tablet “windowing” is still a market margin. Price $ 15 for Windows 8.1 may cause the tablet manufacturers can begin to think about the fact that the RT version it is worth to buy, if the price of their licenses are now similar. Perhaps all now in the hands of producers SoC processors based on ARM architecture. It is very likely that after lowering the price of the license of Windows 8.1, the price of the equipment can make the difference on which platform the tablet (including hybrids) will decide to manufacture.

It is easy to imagine a situation in which Windows RT 8.1 would be condemned to oblivion.


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smartphone in your pocket, tablet or notebook in the bag, “smart” TV on the wall, thousands of songs in a device smaller than a matchbox, movie loan without leaving home, playing with a huge number of people from all over the world and Finally, a few clicks to information from all continents. First evil called computers, then called Satan works gained internet. The era of digital media and the web began 20 years ago. What have you achieved? Today, computer and global network are no longer regarded as two of the incarnation of evil. Their combination, however, wykreowa?o new.

Today, Microsoft officially unveil a new operating system designed for desktops, laptops and tablets (officially hit the market on October 26). In the editorial for some time we use his final Polish version. Impressions? Definitely mixed. Mainly because although the foundations of the system does not stand out from that to which we are accustomed Windows 7, changing the concept of use is fundamental. The market success of Windows 8 could mean the end of the world PC in its current form.

Until recently, the choice of tablet running Android or Windows came down mainly to their wallets – the former were usually cheaper. Today, the situation is slowly changing and the market are starting to appear models with Intel Atom and the “full” version of Windows 8.1 (designed for x86 processors), the prices of which are not so different from the prices of Android rivals. Faced with the choice of the tablet, you have to consider not only such basic features as: the quality of the display, built-in memory capacity, duration of action, but also the operating system installed. Today we will discuss this last issue.

Battlefield 4 is important not only because it is one of the most popular online FPS type games. It is important first of all by the fact that it uses modern engine Frostbite 3, which surprisingly does well with support for multi-core processors and new graphics cards extensions such as DirectX 11.2. That’s why today’s test cards and processors is an important indication for those who intend to buy in the near future new equipment for the upcoming games. After a long wait and the battles in the trial version of the beta, players from many countries of today can play in the final, complete edition.

MWC 2014: Oral-B toothbrush put in communication with the smartphone -

Oral-B is known for, among others, the production of electric toothbrushes. At this year’s Mobile World Congress in Barcelona is planning to present a new model comes with Bluetooth 4.0. With its help toothbrush is linked with the application installed on our smartphone (will be available on Android and iOS).

src="" title="Oral-B App "> photo Oral-B

Oral-B app will collect information about our habits of brushing and continually offered tips on how to clean your teeth. From the application will also be able to personalize the work of brush and control its functions. If the connection to the smartphone will not be possible during washing, the device has a built-in memory that can store up to 20 brushings, which at the earliest opportunity will be sent to your phone.

As you can see smart accessories are not only watches and sunglasses. Finally, I would add that the app will also function as an incentive program to regular oral hygiene – gamifikacja mouth full, so to speak.

MWC 2014: Samsung officially confirms new smart ... -

Six months ago, Samsung unveiled its first Android smart watch. Galaxy Gear, touted as a complement to smarfona Note 3 has not been taken too enthusiastically.

In October wrote that most of the journalists, technological, who had the opportunity to test it, found the product for underdeveloped. Though, of course, was not short of very positive feedback.

the eve of the start-up in Barcelona at Mobile World Congress Koreans officially presented two successors of his watch. In addition to the new hardware specification feature developed by Samsung operating system Tizen . Samsung no longer was signed by the Galaxy brand watches.

Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo: what’s the difference?

Gear 2

Neo Galaxy 2 Fig. Samsung

are almost identical – maybe bigger differences will be seen in the software. Both watches have a display with a diagonal of 1.63 inch (Super AMOLED) 320×320 pixels (as in the previous version). Inside you will find a 1Ghz dual-core processor (the first model had a single-core processor 800Mhz), 512MB RAM, 4GB storage, Bluetooth, infrared , accelerometer, gyroscope, microphone, battery with a

capacity of 300mAh. What is new is pulse sensor.

Model Gear 2 is equipped with a camera with a resolution of two megapixels (it can shoot 1920×1080 pixels and record video with a resolution of 720p, 30fps), Ger 2 Neo is devoid of the camera.

What’s quite surprising watches are not controlled Samsung Android but Tizen system. According to the website FirstPost new system is much more energy efficient. Perhaps Koreans want to prove that not all mobile devices must be controlled Android.

Portal SlashGear lists the functions of watches known from previous versions of the device: the system alerts about upcoming news, music player, calendar, weather information, stopwatch, ChatON instant messaging, voice control functions S Voice.

Gear 2, unlike its predecessor, equipped with infrared module – it’s not hard to guess that they can be used to control the TV. The watch is also a heart rate monitor – the device will probably be equipped with applications for people practicing sports.

is better, but is it enough?

At first glance, the new SmartWatch Koreans seem more mature product. Worked on their appearance – the camera and the antenna is no longer located in the bar (which according to many it looked weird), also introduced more color versions. Model Gear 2 will be available in Charcoal Black, Gold Brown and Wild Orange. Neo 2 will not be available in golden color and Mocha Grey.

difficult to evaluate new watches Samsung now when the producer gave the press only their specification. Let’s hope not very good press first version of the watch does not translate into distrust Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo.

View watches closely, welcome to the gallery.

Cleaning or sex - Newsweek Poland

When a man along with a woman feathers, cooking and vacuuming, it becomes less attractive sexually – American psychologists believe. Is equality in a relationship actually can kill sex?

couple living in traditional relationships love is more than five times a month, a pair of modern – four times a month. Relationship based on equality is more friendship than marriage, according to a U.S. study “egalitarianism, Housework and Sexual Frequency in Marriage” (Equality, housework and sexual activity in marriage).

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Its authors, Sabino Kornrich from the Spanish Foundation Juan March and Julia Brines and Katrina Leupp from the University of Washington, conducted a survey of 4.5 thousand American marriages. They asked her about the customs in their homes, the division of responsibilities, professional work, wages, and also asked to describe the sexual life – satisfaction, frequency and duration of intercourse. On this basis, calculated that couples living in traditional relationships love is more than five times a month, a pair of modern – four times. The results of scientists published in the “American Sociological Review”, Journal of the American Sociological Association.

Happiness in a relationship is not measured by the amount held after relations frequency drops close-ups, but they become deeper, fuller.

Does this mean that men who help in ironing or cleaning, do not count on luck in the bedroom? Or maybe they will have even less, if at all refuse to participate in household duties? This may yet lead to marital conflicts and discourage women to intimate close-ups. – This would not be afraid. Happiness in a relationship is not measured by the amount held after relations frequency drops close-ups, but they become deeper, fuller – says Dr. Bartosz

Zalewski, a psychologist at the University of Social Psychology that deals with couples psychotherapy in the Warsaw center contract. Couples in which the man and woman share the responsibilities, more talk to each other, it is easier to get along with each other, including intimate areas. And if better know their needs and expectations, the sex and derive more satisfaction.

Male feathers, and This time the woman is resting. Satirical drawing from around 1901, then the roles could shock, it is now often the norm

Male feathers, and this time the woman is resting. Cartoons from around 1901, then the roles could shock, it is now often the norm

Then why all women, regardless of whether the men helped them to chores or not, the study “Gender, housework and sexual frequency in marriage” declared a similar level of satisfaction with sex? Probably the guys with a vacuum cleaner or by the sink not seem particularly attractive ladies sexually, explain the researchers. They assume that men devoted to home occupations decreases testosterone levels, and the less is the hormone that men less like the women, and they themselves also have less desire for sex. Unsure no. For now, Dr. Lee Gettler of Northwestern University, the U.S. proved only that the changes in the concentration of testosterone occur in the body of men who are fathers and began to devote much time your child – fed them, changed diapers, went for walks.

level of this hormone was 26 – 34 percent. lower than at the beginning of the experiment. Least-rich saliva testosterone were men who each day devoted to their children at least 1-3 hours, which is quite seriously fulfill their fatherly duties. – Lower levels of testosterone makes men have less desire for sex. Because the concentration of the hormone drops, men do not distracted, not looking for new prey, and can focus more attention on the family – said a dozen days before Dr. Gettler at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Chicago.

All text on how to share responsibilities affect the relationship and sexual activity read in the latest issue of “Newsweek”.

The successor to the LHC will have a 100 km circuit - Polish Radio

Marta Kwa?nicka 02.23.2014

 The successor to the LHC will have a 100 km circuit class=”imgLead” id=”photo-desc”> LHC during one of the repair, Auth. CERN.

According to the initiators of this just to be a worthy successor to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), after the latter retires in 2035. Longer need to think about what will replace the LHC.

said CERN Director General Rolf Heuer Dr., build accelerators always planned well in advance. – An example is the LHC. Serious discussion about the building began in 1983, the first discussions about the physics of the collider, in 1984, and the first scientific data obtained by him in 2009 – he says. – That is why now we have already started a new project. The new collider ranging from the Alps to the Jura Mountains in the east to the west. The tunnel would run under Lake Geneva.

CERN is not a monopolist in the colliders. Construction of its own facilities are interested in China and Japan. A work before physicists are more and more: – Only

start. It took us 50 years to supplement called. The Standard Model, which describes only 5 percent. matter in the Universe – the visible universe. 50 years at 5 percent.! We still have 95 per cent. to investigate, that is all what I would call a dark universe – says Heuer.

The circular collider, if created, would need a new tunnel. The LHC is located 100 meters underground in a hollow in the rock tunnel with a circumference of about 27 km. Previously there was a previous accelerator – the LEP (Large Electron Positron The Collider).

is not yet known how the particles impinged by the new machine. Many experts believe that – like the LHC – CERN should focus on protons that are capable of playing conditions that prevailed in the universe just after the Big Bang.

Other researchers prefer the electrons – which juxtaposed the LHC’s predecessor, which said the LEP. Their collisions are easier and they give results that are easier to interpret.

if CERN is preparing to restart the LHC, which has undergone modernization. It will now collided particles of two times more energy than before. – Perhaps we can now see what exactly is dark matter – says Heuer.

(ew / PAP / BBC)




Saturday, February 22, 2014

CERN wants to build the accelerator three times bigger than the LHC - BBC News

Large Hadron Collider is the largest scientific instrument on Earth, but CERN wants to build the tool as much as three times higher.

CERN particle accelerator build up to 3 times bigger than the LHC? / AFP

CERN particle accelerator build up to 3 times bigger than the LHC?



Physicists in Tokyo, Geneva and Chicago are celebrating the publication of the technical design of the International Linear Collider (ILC). Over the hosting of this large and technically advanced facility, whose length will be 31 km, considering Japan. read more

The Future Circular Colliders (FCC) has the task of creating a particle collider with a circumference of 80-100 km. The new accelerator will be able to collide particles with a maximum energy of 100 TeV.

Construction successor to the Large Hadron Collider does not mean that the CERN accelerator resigns use. On the contrary – is already scheduled the next 20 years of his work.

Details of the project the FCC to be developed in the next five years, and the device is to be built and ready for use before 2025 are defunct collider particle physicists is to serve until the 2100

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ESA will launch the most powerful telescope in 2024 - Voice of Russia

reported that the ESA (European Space Agency) will launch a project in the

world’s most powerful telescope called PLATO already in 2024. The new apparatus is designed to search for exoplanets of any size.

Many astronomers stresses that the new space observatory will use 34 smaller telescopes to discover planets revolving around stars that are located directly outside the solar system. Total for this project was allocated $ 821 million.

Very dangerous vulnerability in Apple hardware. How ... -

All devices manufactured by Apple – iPhones, iPads, perhaps as computers and laptops – are exposed to very dangerous kind of attacks.

The vulnerability of the Cupertino company announced on its blog, but do not accurately describe what kind of danger potential users.

“An attacker with a privileged network position may capture or modify data in sessions protected by SSL / TLS.”

Service explains that it is a certified:

Simply put, this is a classic attack Man in the middle. If the attacker is on the path
between your device with apples and target server, it will be able to silently decrypt HTTPS connection, which will allow him to see the example of the transmitted passwords.

cybercriminal must be on the same network as the victim. At risk are therefore particularly vulnerable in places of public access to the network or at work. The hacker will try to impersonate caused the website. Most likely the bank.

The only good news: the gap was detected at a very early stage, before it was able to confirm its any use. Users can now upload IOSA appropriate system update (7.0.6). According to some analysts, are threatened by the owners of Apple computers, for which the “cure” does not yet exist.

Yesterday we wrote about a new way to gain control over the device with Android. In this case, the problem turned out to be too outdated software.

Play presented the annual results. 10 million customers, and 4 percent ... - News 24

P4, Play operator presented the results for 2013, the company’s revenue grew by less than 4 percent. The operator also exceeded the threshold of 10 million customers.

 / Fig. Author: Alina Zienowicz Ala (Own work) [GFDL (, CC- BY-SA-3.0 ( P4 Revenues in 2013
totaled 3.72 billion, up by 3.9 percent in comparison with the previous year. Only in the fourth quarter, the company reported revenue of PLN 979 million, an increase of 4.5 per cent. more than a year ago given service operator websites developed z? 707 million of adjusted EBITDA.

“Our adjusted EBITDA increased by 26 percent. year on year to 707 million z?, of which in the fourth quarter of 2013 increased by 4 percent. quarter on quarter to 211 million z?. Revenues increased by 4% year on year to 3.72 billion z?, including in the fourth quarter increased by 5 percent. quarter on quarter to 979 million z? “- said the president Joergen Bang-Jensen quoted by Gazeta Legal.

Play ended 2013 years having the SIM card base at 10.73 million units. growth during the year amounted to 2, 05 million. 4.77 million cards worked in the subscription offers. benefited from postpaid therefore 44.4 per cent. customers of the network.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Meeting of the Moon and Saturn - Polish Radio


Marta Kwa?nicka 21.02.2014

 Meeting of the Moon and Saturn id=”photo-author”> photo: Vinish K Saini / Wikimedia Commons / cc

– Moon on its way to the celestial sphere moves to the background of stars and planets, covering and uncovering many of them. Such phenomena appear most strikingly, when overlapped star or planet is unclear, or where there is a close encounter, in which the moon is right next to an object – say Assoc. Arkadiusz Olech Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences .

For just such a meeting occurs on the night of 21

to 22 February, when at a distance of only 18 minutes of arc from Saturn’s moon approaches in the final quarter. – Formally, the two bodies will be closest to each other on February 21 at 23.10 our time. At this time in Poland, both also still below the horizon, so the observation is best go about 1-2 hours at night, when the two bodies will light 10 degrees above the southeastern horizon – can the scientist.

Saturn shines currently in the constellation of Libra and has a brightness of 0.5 magnitude. His brilliance is thus comparable with the splendor of the brightest stars in the sky. Conjunctions can be seen with the naked eye, but the use of the telescope certainly diversify view.

(ew / PAP-Science in Poland)




Official results of P4 in 2013: revenues up - Republic

source: Fotorzepa

by James Pastoral

P4 Play operator today publishing the annual report and in the afternoon held a conference call with investors who bought bonds in January, the cellular network for 900 million euros

According to the data provided in the press release, in 2013, reported a P4 3.72 billion z? revenues, which represents an increase of 3.9 percent. 2012 compared with the previous year.

In turn, EBITDA telecommunications, and adapt it to commonly used standards in Europe amounted to 707 million z?, which represents an increase of 25.8 per cent against. year to year.

today announced Joergen Bang-Jensen, President of P4, Telecom will now be presented EBITDA for the company in a new way. Data for previous years also converted.

the last few years P4 accounts the costs of obtaining and maintaining the customer (the cost of terminal equipment dealers’ commissions, etc.) in the payment of operating expenses. Expenditure for this purpose magnified CAPEX company and subject to depreciation.

Yes calculated EBITDA in the period 2011-2013 amounted to 905 million z?, 1.22 billion and 1.52 billion z? z?. In a new approach for telecommunications is respectively 200 million z? (in 2011), 562 million z? (in 2012) and 707 million z? in the previous year.

In the fourth quarter of 2013, revenues totaled P4 979 million z?, about 4.5 percent. more than the previous year, and EBITDA telecom z? 211 million (an increase of 3.7 per cent.).

P4 EBITDA would have been higher last year if he had not lost in January privilege of using the so-called. MTR asymmetry. Telekom uses since then, with the same rates as competition, and these rates are subject to twice the reduction in

2013. Therefore, on the one hand by 43 percent. P4 decreased revenue from interconnect (revenues from MTR), the other – in interconnection costs incurred by P4 – but also decreased – it is, however, not so fast and telecom was in the last year net contributor MTR s. Instead, as in 2012, to cash in on the MTR s 89 million z? (in 2011 it was 222 million z?), last year lost $ 133 million z?. In total, over its operations, P4 earned MTR asymmetry around 700 million z?.

– In 2013 years of our revenues grew longer mainly due to growing user base. This increase has slowed down the reduction in MTRs. By 2014, we expect the revenue growth – said Bang-Jensen, maintaining its words from the autumn of last year, when the company presented data for the third quarter.

P4 expectations for the entire mobile market in Poland Bang-Jensen is present on Tuesday.

information sent on the market today, you can read his mind quote the president: “Our future growth will continue to be based on effective communication and implementation of the principle of” value for money “. early weeks of 2014 years are for promising to PLAY and continuous development stable mobile market in Poland. “

data on the number of active SIM cards P4 is changed to preliminary data, which already have described. 2013 years the smallest of the four major mobile networks in the country ended with 10.73 million SIM cards (year on year increase of 2.05 million), of which 4.77 million (44.4 percent). Accounted SIM card contract customers.


thus confirmed that its volume share of the Polish market is about 19 percent.

P4 did not disclose the number of subscribers today Play Online at the end of 2013.


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The biggest scandal in the IT industry -

2014-02-20 22:59

The biggest scandal in the IT industry

Author: George Gozdek

By Reuters Photo from Lebanon proved photomontages? Affair! With the Sony servers stolen data 77 million customers and one of them did not tell you? Affair! The iOS-ie vulnerability was found causing rapid depletion of the battery? If you believe the international press, is also a scandal …


Newspapers eagerly blows the slightest stumble celebrities, organizations and businesses to gigantic proportions, even developed a special way of calling more or less serious scandals. Commentators cited above events specified, respectively, as press officers Reutersgate, Sonygate and Batterygate, a common terminal, gate “is by no means accidental. Refers it to Watergate, which in the 70s swept from office of U.S. President Richard Nixon.

would be wrong, however, the one who would judge that end, gate “itself has any meaning. Rather, it began to appear in the names of scandals that have moved public opinion, rather accidentally, and precisely because of the place where took the biggest scandal of postwar America. idea Watergate office complex located in the north-western part of Washington, which in 1972 housed the headquarters of the Democratic Party. Jun. 17, 1972 roku there caught red-handed five burglars trying to install wiretaps in rooms used by Democrats. Shortly afterwards it turned out that they were acting on behalf of President Richard Nixon, coming from a competitive Republican Party. storm that broke out after this discovery, forced Nixon to resign and enrolled in the American consciousness so much that the name of the tip, , gate “began to give each subsequent scandal.

Patricia Dunn, photo

Patricia Dunn, photo

scandals in the technological giants

In this manner indistinguishable from Washington’s Watergate complex landscape became a patron of numerous real and alleged scandals. An example of this Hewlett-Packard-gate in 2006, when it was revealed that the HP board – on request chairman Patricia Dunn – hired independent investigators aimed to find the source of leakage of corporate information. There would be nothing wrong with that, if not the methods used by investigators. They have commissioned private detectives to spy on a few board members and nine journalists working for, inter alia
CNET and recognized newspapers such as The New York Times’ and ‘Wall Street Journal’. Were used at the illegal methods of social engineering. Admittedly, President Dunn stated that she had no idea, but neither the media nor the public prosecutor’s office did not give her faith. Although ultimately withdrawn placed her allegations, but she always had to part ways with the company, which has devoted
eight years of age.

Sometimes, however, the media provide a label with the tip, gate “events much smaller caliber. Sometimes it’s not just about the deplorable negligence, technical errors or hidden solutions introduced quietly in new products. since this started among other things, the so-called. rootkitgate, that scandal DRM protect against illegal copying of CDs from the record label Sony. scandal erupted when it was discovered that on any computer used to play the disc was installed rootkit spyware user and transmits the information on the Sony servers about it. Between 2005 -2007 on the market until it hit 22 million CDs equipped with the treacherous security. Admittedly, Sony withdrew from the sale of these media, but those who bought Spyware plates, had to wait a whole year to publish patches to enable them to groom their computers. The Japanese paid dearly for this error: the courts grant the victims even after the $ 150 for each infected disc.

In recent years, information technology is more and more scandals. This greatly contributes to the Apple, especially that journalists delight in stigmatizing any weaknesses in its products. When a customer outrage caused confusion iPhone 4 antenna designer, the media quickly began to write about, Antennagate “and corrected within a month a bug in iOS-e 6, causing rapid battery consumption, was the cause of talking about, Batterygate”.

Adria Richards,

Adria Richards,

The central figure in the scandal it was probably a dream programmer Adria Richards, who in March hit the headlines in Western newspapers context, Donglegate. “source of scandal sexist jokes were two men involved in the programming PyCon conference in California, Santa Clara. Admittedly, They just talked about, big dongles “-

under the name conceals the USB keys sometimes used to block computers – but allusions in their statements referred Richards sitting upset enough to do the photo and published it on Twitter and with virulent commentary. Such action programmer proved to be effective – the two men quickly asked to leave the room. The scandal broke out a few days later: first, the whole situation has been the subject of lively debate among Internet users, then its position Richards presented the employer, resolving a contract with them. According to the company, Twitter, was not a suitable medium, which was to be used.

Today, hardly anyone remembers about the whole thing, like a hundred thousand diplomatic cables that three years ago he published WikiLeaks, calling the Cablegate affair. In this context, the story of the Watergate complex turns out to be surprisingly accurate epilogue outworn scandals: office buildings stand empty for years, and when in 2009 it staged the auction, fails to none willing to buy them.

scandals in the history of the IT industry in a nutshell

Watergate Complex, photo

Watergate complex, photo

Watergate Department (1972)

Patroness of all subsequent scandals, gate “in the name: the American President Nixon loses his position as an attempt to eavesdrop on political opponents offices in the Watergate complex.

Rootkitgate (from 2005)

mechanism of DRM on CDs Sony’s spying on the computers on which they play, and transmits the collected data to Sony.

Reutersgate (2006r.)

Photographer Adnan Hajj provides a Reuters photo fabricated from Beirut to present the conflict in Lebanon in a more dramatic way.

HP-gate (2006r.)

Investigators hired by HP chairman Patricia Dunn are caught spying on members of the Board and journalists.

AOL-gate (2006r.)

AOL publishes information about 20 million search phrases on the web by users of the portal. It turns out that the individual expression can be readily mapped to specific people.

Rupert Murdoch,


Hackgate (2006r.)

turns out to light that the British magazine, News of the World “since 2002 eavesdropping phones of celebrities, politicians and the royal family. As a result of the scandal must resign from the position of Rupert Murdoch, a long-time president of media conglomerate News Corporation .

Antennagate (2010r.)

ill-iPhone 4 antenna design causes dropped calls when the user is holding the phone the wrong way.

Cablegate (2010r.)

Wikileaks publishes 100 000 diplomatic cables from U.S. embassies, many of compromising content.

Webcamgate (2010r.)

the Philadelphia Board of Education provides students with notebooks and then spying on them via webcam built into the device.

SATAgate (2011r.)

error in the design of the Intel chipset causes SATA interface malfunction 3 The problem affects about 8 million CDs equipped with the faulty circuits.

Batterygate (2011r.)

After updating to iOS 5 Apple devices discharge in the blink of an eye. The necessary amendment appears a month later.

Bendgate (2012r.)

Some iPhone 5 is easy to bend, and thus destroy – the fault of the evil aluminum alloy used to produce them. Some are curved right out of the box.

Donglefate (2013r.)

programmer Adria Richards censures on Twitter obscene jokes at the conference is for the computer and it dismissed.

Photo laptop come from Shutterstock

IT News
Samsung Galaxy S III NOT get Android 4.4 KitKat
Korean manufacturer has issued a list of its smartphones and tablets, the holders of which are expected in the near future software update. Unfortunately, it is not the Galaxy S III, not so long ago, the flagship model of Samsung.
Flappy Smolensk: fly and avoid … birch
Who could have guessed that a small mobile game that not only entertains the user, causing his frustration will be on the lips of the whole world. Flappy Bird craze is not over even when the author has withdrawn from the production shop …

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The most powerful graphics card in the world? Nvidia GeForce GTX ... - Virtual Poland

MSI showcased Nvidia graphics card GeForce GTX TITAN Black, equipped with the most powerful GPU in the world – NVIDIA GK110 with 2880 CUDA cores and GDDR5 memory 6GB/384bits.

NVIDIA GPU Boost Technology 2.0 automatically allows you to customize the graphics performance to optimum performance in games. In addition, using the Afterburner software, card GTX TITAN can “tweak” to squeeze it even more power. A single card can also support NVIDIA 3D Vision Surround on four monitors simultaneously. Data will be available in Poland in mid-March 2014, the price of about 3950 PLN.


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(photo: Press Releases)

card is

equipped with an advanced 28nm processor with 2880 CUDA cores and GDDR5 memory 6GB/384bits. TITAN supports the latest PCI Express Generation 3 and DirectX 11.2 (Level 11_0). Using 3 x SLI multi-card performance will satisfy the most demanding players.

card is also equipped with an advanced control system fan speed, which is based on the temperature of the GPU. Afterburner is also a Predator, or record video / audio, and the whole graphics card can be controlled from a smartphone. If we add to this Kombustor software, used for benchmarking, we get a tool with which to fully use the potential of the card.

card is equipped with two dual-link DVI, one DisplayPort and one HDMI output. Additionally, the image can be displayed even on four monitors simultaneously. Card fully supports 3D Vision Surround technology.

GPU processors
GK 110 2880 CUDA cores
Base Clock / Clock 889 MHz Boost / 980 MHz
Memory Size / Type 6144 MB / GDDR5
Speed ??/ bus 7000 MHz / 384 bits
outputs DisplayPort / HDMI / DL-DVI-D / DL-DVI-I
TDP 250 W
Dimensions 267 x 111 x x35 mm

Graphics Cards – the largest selection, lowest prices! Leads Give a Like on Facebook

Microsoft started with Office Online -

A few weeks ago, the first reports that Microsoft plans to open the new Office Web Apps, and change the name of the whole service. Waiting for the change is completed, because Microsoft gave the green light to change, and launched the service under a new name – Office Online.

official blog, Microsoft announced that changes to the cloud service office suite focused primarily on the ergonomics use of network applications, making the “search, share and collaborate on projects is easier.” The company from Redmond admitted that “many of the billion users of Office standard is not yet proved” his counterpart the cloud. Perhaps in this way, granted, too, that the changes and the new name was dictated by the fact that the number of users of the cloud Office’s a lot less than the assumed creator.

Amanda Lefebvre from Microsoft explains that the main motivation to abandon the name of the Office Web Apps were the voices of users who allegedly reported that the presence of the word “Apps” in the name of the cloud package caused consternation. Apparently because of this would-be users because they were convinced that they need to install anything that they need to look for them in a store. Changing the “Web Apps” to “Online” is therefore intended by Microsoft make these perplexities vanish.

Changes were made, inter alia, on the main page, which greatly simplified the content. The individual components of Office applications online are better exposed and represented, without surprises, with tiles. In addition to basic applications such as Word, Excel, OneNote, or PowerPoint, a user from one place can get into Outlook, OneDrive, Calendar and People. The last four items are also in the drop-down navigation menu (called App Switcher according to Microsoft), which is located on the top side of each of these applications, making the switch to them will be easier. It is not known whether the four will be included as the navigation bars that appear on other websites of Microsoft, and therefore such and service OneDrive.

using the four basic Office programs online, so Word, Excel, OneNote and PowerPoint, you can create new and ready to open the documents. It is worth noting that the

interfaces do not change much, so existing users do not have to get used to something new.


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Yesterday was officially released in Poland, a new web service provided by the Redmond giant – Office 365 What is this package? How far reminds known for years of Microsoft Office desktop applications? Who really is it for? We respond not only to these questions.

on 6 August 1997 will well remember the company from Cupertino, California. On this day, the Redmond giant (even then it can be called such) supported rival, Apple, in a difficult period of considerable amount of 150 million dollars., Buying its shares. Help, however, was not only financial: Bill Gates promised recently deceased Steve Jobsowi that already the most popular office suite in the world will also be issued in a version for the Mac platform.

July 27, Microsoft introduced the retail Polish version of its latest office suite, Microsoft Office 2010. Is the software that the production phase has been used by over nine million beta testers meet expectations? The answer to this question will help our test, in which the functions of the five most popular programs with the latest Office’s put together with the previous generation of the package.

Battlefield 4 is important not only because it is one of the most popular online FPS type games. It is important first of all by the fact that it uses modern engine Frostbite 3, which surprisingly does well with support for multi-core processors and new graphics cards extensions such as DirectX 11.2. That’s why today’s test cards and processors is an important indication for those who intend to buy in the near future new equipment for the upcoming games. After a long wait and the battles in the trial version of the beta, players from many countries of today can play in the final, complete edition.