Saturday, February 22, 2014

CERN wants to build the accelerator three times bigger than the LHC - BBC News

Large Hadron Collider is the largest scientific instrument on Earth, but CERN wants to build the tool as much as three times higher.

CERN particle accelerator build up to 3 times bigger than the LHC? / AFP

CERN particle accelerator build up to 3 times bigger than the LHC?



Physicists in Tokyo, Geneva and Chicago are celebrating the publication of the technical design of the International Linear Collider (ILC). Over the hosting of this large and technically advanced facility, whose length will be 31 km, considering Japan. read more

The Future Circular Colliders (FCC) has the task of creating a particle collider with a circumference of 80-100 km. The new accelerator will be able to collide particles with a maximum energy of 100 TeV.

Construction successor to the Large Hadron Collider does not mean that the CERN accelerator resigns use. On the contrary – is already scheduled the next 20 years of his work.

Details of the project the FCC to be developed in the next five years, and the device is to be built and ready for use before 2025 are defunct collider particle physicists is to serve until the 2100

article from the category: Technauka

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