Friday, February 21, 2014

Meeting of the Moon and Saturn - Polish Radio


Marta Kwa?nicka 21.02.2014

 Meeting of the Moon and Saturn id=”photo-author”> photo: Vinish K Saini / Wikimedia Commons / cc

– Moon on its way to the celestial sphere moves to the background of stars and planets, covering and uncovering many of them. Such phenomena appear most strikingly, when overlapped star or planet is unclear, or where there is a close encounter, in which the moon is right next to an object – say Assoc. Arkadiusz Olech Astronomical Center Polish Academy of Sciences .

For just such a meeting occurs on the night of 21

to 22 February, when at a distance of only 18 minutes of arc from Saturn’s moon approaches in the final quarter. – Formally, the two bodies will be closest to each other on February 21 at 23.10 our time. At this time in Poland, both also still below the horizon, so the observation is best go about 1-2 hours at night, when the two bodies will light 10 degrees above the southeastern horizon – can the scientist.

Saturn shines currently in the constellation of Libra and has a brightness of 0.5 magnitude. His brilliance is thus comparable with the splendor of the brightest stars in the sky. Conjunctions can be seen with the naked eye, but the use of the telescope certainly diversify view.

(ew / PAP-Science in Poland)




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