Monday, February 3, 2014

NASA wants to create the coldest place in the universe -

2014-02-04 7:20

NASA wants to create the coldest place in the universe

[Photo: sxc / cc / flaivoloka]

temperature gaseous matter in the voids of space can fall to about 3 degrees Kelvin, or minus 273 degrees Celsius. NASA wants to board the orbital station ISS to create even colder place.

promises to the American space agency, is supposed to be, the coldest point in the known universe. “

Scientists want to examine the matter at temperatures much lower than those occurring naturally in space. In special, the freezer “called Cold Atom Lab, which is to be placed on the ISS in 2016, temperatures will reach the level of 100 pikokelwinów above absolute

zero. Pikokelwin is one trillionth part of the kelvin.

low temperatures known in everyday life states of matter of a solid, liquid and gas are not suitable for describing the behavior of molecules and atoms. In 1995 it was discovered that if you take a few million rubidium atoms and cool them to temperatures close to absolute zero, will merge into something that can be called a single wave of matter. Experiments gave similar effect of sodium atoms.

In 2001, the Nobel Prize was awarded to Eric Cornell and Carl know for independently producing this kind of condensates, whose existence is predicted earlier theory in the early twentieth century (discussion on this topic led Albert Einstein and Satyendra Bose).


create two such areas of matter and connects together, there is no mixing them, as in conventional gas. Instead occurs, interference, “and to the manner similar to the waves.

new cosmic laboratory scientists will be able to be mixed with a very chilled gases and check what happens. Rob Thompson of NASA JPL project scientist Cold Atom Lab hopes to measure very weak interactions between atoms, which may lead to the discovery of various interesting quantum phenomena. (PAP)

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