Marta Kwa?nicka 02.23.2014
According to the initiators of this just to be a worthy successor to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), after the latter retires in 2035. Longer need to think about what will replace the LHC.
said CERN Director General Rolf Heuer Dr., build accelerators always planned well in advance. – An example is the LHC. Serious discussion about the building began in 1983, the first discussions about the physics of the collider, in 1984, and the first scientific data obtained by him in 2009 – he says. – That is why now we have already started a new project. The new collider ranging from the Alps to the Jura Mountains in the east to the west. The tunnel would run under Lake Geneva.
CERN is not a monopolist in the colliders. Construction of its own facilities are interested in China and Japan. A work before physicists are more and more: – Only
The circular collider, if created, would need a new tunnel. The LHC is located 100 meters underground in a hollow in the rock tunnel with a circumference of about 27 km. Previously there was a previous accelerator – the LEP (Large Electron Positron The Collider).
is not yet known how the particles impinged by the new machine. Many experts believe that – like the LHC – CERN should focus on protons that are capable of playing conditions that prevailed in the universe just after the Big Bang.
Other researchers prefer the electrons – which juxtaposed the LHC’s predecessor, which said the LEP. Their collisions are easier and they give results that are easier to interpret.
if CERN is preparing to restart the LHC, which has undergone modernization. It will now collided particles of two times more energy than before. – Perhaps we can now see what exactly is dark matter – says Heuer.
(ew / PAP / BBC)

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