Friday, February 21, 2014

Official results of P4 in 2013: revenues up - Republic

source: Fotorzepa

by James Pastoral

P4 Play operator today publishing the annual report and in the afternoon held a conference call with investors who bought bonds in January, the cellular network for 900 million euros

According to the data provided in the press release, in 2013, reported a P4 3.72 billion z? revenues, which represents an increase of 3.9 percent. 2012 compared with the previous year.

In turn, EBITDA telecommunications, and adapt it to commonly used standards in Europe amounted to 707 million z?, which represents an increase of 25.8 per cent against. year to year.

today announced Joergen Bang-Jensen, President of P4, Telecom will now be presented EBITDA for the company in a new way. Data for previous years also converted.

the last few years P4 accounts the costs of obtaining and maintaining the customer (the cost of terminal equipment dealers’ commissions, etc.) in the payment of operating expenses. Expenditure for this purpose magnified CAPEX company and subject to depreciation.

Yes calculated EBITDA in the period 2011-2013 amounted to 905 million z?, 1.22 billion and 1.52 billion z? z?. In a new approach for telecommunications is respectively 200 million z? (in 2011), 562 million z? (in 2012) and 707 million z? in the previous year.

In the fourth quarter of 2013, revenues totaled P4 979 million z?, about 4.5 percent. more than the previous year, and EBITDA telecom z? 211 million (an increase of 3.7 per cent.).

P4 EBITDA would have been higher last year if he had not lost in January privilege of using the so-called. MTR asymmetry. Telekom uses since then, with the same rates as competition, and these rates are subject to twice the reduction in

2013. Therefore, on the one hand by 43 percent. P4 decreased revenue from interconnect (revenues from MTR), the other – in interconnection costs incurred by P4 – but also decreased – it is, however, not so fast and telecom was in the last year net contributor MTR s. Instead, as in 2012, to cash in on the MTR s 89 million z? (in 2011 it was 222 million z?), last year lost $ 133 million z?. In total, over its operations, P4 earned MTR asymmetry around 700 million z?.

– In 2013 years of our revenues grew longer mainly due to growing user base. This increase has slowed down the reduction in MTRs. By 2014, we expect the revenue growth – said Bang-Jensen, maintaining its words from the autumn of last year, when the company presented data for the third quarter.

P4 expectations for the entire mobile market in Poland Bang-Jensen is present on Tuesday.

information sent on the market today, you can read his mind quote the president: “Our future growth will continue to be based on effective communication and implementation of the principle of” value for money “. early weeks of 2014 years are for promising to PLAY and continuous development stable mobile market in Poland. “

data on the number of active SIM cards P4 is changed to preliminary data, which already have described. 2013 years the smallest of the four major mobile networks in the country ended with 10.73 million SIM cards (year on year increase of 2.05 million), of which 4.77 million (44.4 percent). Accounted SIM card contract customers.


thus confirmed that its volume share of the Polish market is about 19 percent.

P4 did not disclose the number of subscribers today Play Online at the end of 2013.


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