When a man along with a woman feathers, cooking and vacuuming, it becomes less attractive sexually – American psychologists believe. Is equality in a relationship actually can kill sex?
couple living in traditional relationships love is more than five times a month, a pair of modern – four times a month. Relationship based on equality is more friendship than marriage, according to a U.S. study “egalitarianism, Housework and Sexual Frequency in Marriage” (Equality, housework and sexual activity in marriage).
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Its authors, Sabino Kornrich from the Spanish Foundation Juan March and Julia Brines and Katrina Leupp from the University of Washington, conducted a survey of 4.5 thousand American marriages. They asked her about the customs in their homes, the division of responsibilities, professional work, wages, and also asked to describe the sexual life – satisfaction, frequency and duration of intercourse. On this basis, calculated that couples living in traditional relationships love is more than five times a month, a pair of modern – four times. The results of scientists published in the “American Sociological Review”, Journal of the American Sociological Association.
Happiness in a relationship is not measured by the amount held after relations frequency drops close-ups, but they become deeper, fuller.
Does this mean that men who help in ironing or cleaning, do not count on luck in the bedroom? Or maybe they will have even less, if at all refuse to participate in household duties? This may yet lead to marital conflicts and discourage women to intimate close-ups. – This would not be afraid. Happiness in a relationship is not measured by the amount held after relations frequency drops close-ups, but they become deeper, fuller – says Dr. Bartosz

Male feathers, and this time the woman is resting. Cartoons from around 1901, then the roles could shock, it is now often the norm
Then why all women, regardless of whether the men helped them to chores or not, the study “Gender, housework and sexual frequency in marriage” declared a similar level of satisfaction with sex? Probably the guys with a vacuum cleaner or by the sink not seem particularly attractive ladies sexually, explain the researchers. They assume that men devoted to home occupations decreases testosterone levels, and the less is the hormone that men less like the women, and they themselves also have less desire for sex. Unsure no. For now, Dr. Lee Gettler of Northwestern University, the U.S. proved only that the changes in the concentration of testosterone occur in the body of men who are fathers and began to devote much time your child – fed them, changed diapers, went for walks.
level of this hormone was 26 – 34 percent. lower than at the beginning of the experiment. Least-rich saliva testosterone were men who each day devoted to their children at least 1-3 hours, which is quite seriously fulfill their fatherly duties. – Lower levels of testosterone makes men have less desire for sex. Because the concentration of the hormone drops, men do not distracted, not looking for new prey, and can focus more attention on the family – said a dozen days before Dr. Gettler at the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Chicago.
All text on how to share responsibilities affect the relationship and sexual activity read in the latest issue of “Newsweek”.

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