Tuesday, June 30, 2015

PC Archos Stick – another PC dongle for $ 99 – FrazPC.pl

 Archos is another producer who has decided to expand its range of miniature computer the size of a USB flash drive with Windows. The company announced because a device called Archos PC Stick , which simply connect to your TV or monitor via HDMI to receive a full-fledged desktop (low productivity, of course) – to be completely happy just keyboard and mouse.


 In terms of specifications Archos proposal does not differ from competitors such as Intel Compute Stick or the Lenovo IdeaCentre stick, because here you also get a 4-core Intel Atom processor family Z3735F Bay Trail, 2 GB of memory for RAM, 32 GB of memory for data, slot microSD, support for WiFi and Bluetooth and a full-size USB port.


 PC Archos Stick, however, is cheaper than its competitors, because it was valued at $ 99 , which means the price comparable to non-branded equipment straight from China.

 Manufacturer revealed that his PC dongle debut with the system Windows 10 on board, which means that we should expect premiere at the

earliest on July 29.



At night the clocks will add a second – Onet.pl

Nearest night, just before 2:00 our time, world clocks will add one second to the usual 24 hour day. This so-called leap second must be taken into account once every few years to measure the time on Earth was accurate.

Traditionally it is assumed that evenly day has 24 hours 86400 seconds. In fact, the rotation of the planet around its axis is on average 0.002 seconds slower. Once every few years, so you’ll need to add to the day one second. This happens irregularly, because the Earth once slows down and speeds up the time.

Since this can not be precisely predict in the long term, adding leap seconds are announced with only six months in advance. According to experts, some glitches are possible unprepared computers, websites or electronic – just like last time, in 2012. In this century leap second added three times.




Computer sized> you pendriveâ € ™ a – CCM

Although the computer PC Archos Stick is a little bigger than a USB memory, can accommodate Windows 10.

Although the Archos PC Stick is neither the first nor the only miniature computer, certainly deserves attention, thanks to the possibilities it offers. Despite its small size, in no way inferior to traditional computers because. And like them, it works with Windows 10.

But that’s not all. As reported by the portal CCM España, the only device that must be connected to a computer using a mini HDMI input is screen . In turn such accessories as Keyboard and Mouse can be connected wirelessly using technology bluetooth , or by USB input .

For proper operation of the computer corresponds to the processor Intel Quad-Core Atom clocked at 1.33 GHz. Furthermore, we find in him a graphics card Intel HD Graphic , 2 GB RAM, expandable to 32 GB via an SD card. The computer is also equipped with WiFi, Bluetooth and UBS inputs and micro USB.

The mini computer was estimated to be 119.99 euros . Is that enough to beat the popularity of models with larger dimensions?

class="signature"> Photo: © Archos.


June 30 the world will get an extra second – Focus

The leap second was added on a regular basis usually in December or June since 1972. All this in order to synchronize the time universal with an average sunlight. In recent years, leap seconds, have become less regular, and the last an extra second was added June 30, 2012, at: 23:59:60 UTC. Why is that?

– Earth’s rotation gradually becomes slower, and the extra second is the way to this level – explains Daniel MacMillan of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

The International Earth Rotation Service and Systems References International Association of Geodesy decided to add a leap second in January this year.

Time earthly and UTC time

Strictly speaking, the day lasts 86,400 seconds. At least if its length is measured using UTC time, in which the length seconds cesium atoms measure the impact. Their behavior is so predictable that the accuracy of an atomic clock is 1 second at 1.4 million years. [Read more: HOW DOES THE ATOMIC CLOCK?]

Less accurate is the time the earth, which is based on how long the Earth rotates around an axis. This usually takes approx. 86400.002 seconds. That’s because the Earth rotates more slowly, among others, due to gravitational interactions between the Earth, Sun and Moon and the movements of magma and in the interior of the planet. At the rotation of the Earth also affects the atmosphere, earthquakes and many other factors. The turnover of our planet are changing at different rates. Scientists estimate that “the day the earth” last time took 86,400 seconds approx. 1,820 years!

By 1967 odmierzaliśmy world based solely on observations of the sun in the sky. In 1972, he introduced UTC or Coordinated Universal Time, which is based on atomic clocks (time to time shall be adjusted manually). Leap second to coordinate terrestrial time to UTC.

Changing the June 30, 2015 will take place around the world at the same time and take into account the division into zones. Leap second will be added exactly 30 June at. 23.59.60. This means that,

according to the UTC last minute of the last day of June 2015, it will lasted exactly 61 seconds.

In our zone CEST extra second will fall on 1 July at 01.59.60.

Additional second and electronics

The leap second is unlikely to be noticed by people. But how to react computers and other electronic devices? Changing the time can be a threat to computers that use NTP Network Time Protocol. It allows time synchronization between different devices to the nearest tenth of a second.

The last such jump has caused considerable problems – some large websites were inaccessible (such as Linkedin service), passengers Australian airline Qantas could not board the aircraft. All because some computer systems did not lift time in the format 23:59:60.

Read more:



34 teams and Apollo 17 astronaut during the competition rovers – Science in Poland (PAP)

 Apollo 17 astronaut Schmitt Harisson be the special guest of the European Mars rovers professions Rover Challenge (ERC 2015), which in September will be held in podkieleckim Podzamczu (Świętokrzyskie), organizers announced on Monday.

  Although Schmitt from landing on the moon, looking in December 43 years, and he finished in July, 80 years old, still strongly committed to the theme of space exploration. “The most important thing Schmitt has done in recent years is lobbying for this, we returned to the Moon and all enthusiasts who are interested in space industry will be able to ask him a question: why?” – He said during a Monday press conference in Podzamczu President of the European Space Foundation and organizer of the ERC Lukasz Wilczynski


  Astronaut-geologist, and in the years 1977-1983 US senator, is a supporter of, among others, future use of mineral resources located on natural satellite earth. It also supports numerous initiatives for space development.


  Schmitt officially is the last to date, 12th man to walk on the moon. Among historians dispute continues, however, is that he, as last raised the rate from the surface of the silver globe. According to some, however, it was his commander Eugene Cernan, which in the mission Apollo 17 landed on the moon in December of 1972. “That’s a good question to which the answer might die during the ERC 2015″ – said Wilczynski.


  Special guest has to say a lot of also the subject rovers. Sam drove during a lunar expedition across the surface of the vehicle LRV (Lunar Roving Vehicle), one of the leading designers was coming from the Polish Mieczyslaw Bekker.


  European constructors contest Rover Challenge was first organized last year in Podzamczu (Świętokrzyskie).


  The intention of the organizers was to be the European version held in the United States (Utah) already known in the scientific world events University Rover Challenge. As it turned out interest in the second edition held in Poland professions inferior to that which accompanied the American tournament. It qualified for the 34 teams from all continents. Will represent 12 countries from all continents except Antarctica.


  The second edition of the competition the ERC will be held on 5 and 6 September 2015 built on the premises of the Regional Centre for Science and Technology in Podzamcze in the municipality Chęciny. The task team is to construct a robot that will compete in simulated Martian tasks, including navigation, geological and field.


  During this year’s competition will apply the amended regulations. “It will be much harder” – rated Wilczynski. He noted that while changes to the rules of the contest, including scoring, taken into account the views submitted by last year’s



  “At each stage the players will know whether they drive or not and how much they lack a leader, and the same contest will last from early morning until late at night,” – said on Monday the president of the European Space Foundation.


  Wilczynski gratifying that this year there will be team competitions of the so-called constructors. “Old Europe”. “Last year, our continent was represented by only Poles, this time, they are also among the teams the Netherlands and Spain.


  For the purposes of the competition in the areas of the Regional Centre for Science and Technology in Podzamcze built will be larger track of Martian-like conditions.


  With the organization of the event on a global scale present he enjoyed the province marshal at the conference. Świętokrzyskie Adam Jarubas. “It is no accident the term of this event coincides with the International Defence Industry Exhibition, because it’s comparing the event of this scale. And military space technologies intertwined. It is an opportunity to ensure that promote the region as a place of innovation “- told reporters marshal.


  September 3 and 4 of the ERC will be preceded by a business conference Poland Space Days 2015, which aims to combine the interests of the space sector with companies and institutions from various industries. The events under the patronage of the Ministry of Economy and one of the partners is the European Space Agency.


  Space Days Poland 2015 is a new venture, organized by Holy Cross province and the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, which corresponds to take place a few years ago Satellite Technology Days aerospace and meetings organized by PARP.


  Service Learning in Poland, the PAP is one of the patrons of the European media Rover Challenge.


  PAP – Science in Poland


  mjk / flour /


Monday, June 29, 2015

This Apple I like. Technology Force Touch – breath of fresh air in … – Gadzeto Mania

The new iPhones can be equipped with technology Force Touch. It is a solution to check how hard the user presses on the screen. What can it be?

The new iPhone will check the force

Rumors about Apple’s new phones appear – in line with a long tradition – long before the official launch of this equipment. This time it published, among others, Bloomberg agency reports seem quite credible and suggest that further the iPhone will be equipped with technology Force Touch that allows you to Recognition force on the touch screen.

So far, a similar solution was implemented m. al. in trackpadach new laptops Apple, as well as in smartwatchu Apple Watch, however, in the case of mobile measuring force has to look a bit different – according to Ming-Chi Kuo, an analyst with KGI Securities Company, force will be measured indirectly by checking the surface , that user’s fingers touching the screen.

Whatever the technical details of the idea itself seem to me worth mentioning innovation and – I hope – in the future will not be limited to smartfonowych displays. It is easy to imagine eg. Housing, allowing you to control the volume through the force with which grab the phone and thus setting the parameters of the camera.

In search of innovations

And you know what? If these rumors (remember – it’s far rumors) are confirmed, I can say with a clear conscience: it is a Apple, which like . Quite different from that which I complained in the article “It pisses me off. Paranoia in the reserve, which is why Apple is doing with clients idiots? “.

Innovative, looking for new solutions, presenting something once it has been presented, it seems so natural and obvious

that the current lack of such solutions simply seems strange.

The new standard?

Sure, that both the haptic interfaces and devices, recognizing the force are nothing new . Before Apple introduced its haptyczny touchpad similar solution we’ve seen in the laptop Samsung.

Before zagościło force control pressure at Apple Watchu, and now – most likely – will go to smartphones with bitten apple, over the years knew them even professionals that uses a graphic tablets.

From the point of view of opportunities to popularize such solutions and the likelihood that they will become an industry standard, it is Apple seems to be the gateway to success . This time – perhaps for the first time in many years – the company from Cupertino has a chance to show himself as a promising innovator, offering clients something that others can envy.


Dragon catastrophe caused by the failure of the rocket – Polish Radio







Mysterious vehicle X37B Photo: NASA.


                             Mysterious American vehicle orbital X37B began another mission. The unmanned spacecraft was launched from Cape Canaveral in Florida.



                                                         X37B secret mission – IAR, M. Wałkuski



Part of the US Air Force X37B vehicle was launched into space by a rocket Atlas V. Start proceeded without any interference. The machine quickly reached the speed of sound and headed for the lower Earth orbit.

The X37B is a small spacecraft resembling shuttles. It has a length of almost 9 meters and a wingspan of 4.5 meters. It weighs nearly 5 tons and reaches orbital velocity 28,000 km / h. Like the shuttles, X37B wynoszony in space by a rocket and lands horizontally like an airplane.

This is the fourth mission X37B. During the previous circled the Earth’s orbit by 674 days. The Pentagon revealed that the aim of the current mission is to test new ion engine Hall. Details of the program X37B, however, are a closely guarded secret US armed forces.



ARCHOS PC Stick – a computer that can fit in your pocket – eGospodarka

The company Archos introduced to its portfolio of personal computer version of the On-The-Go with HDMI – ARCHOS PC Stick. The device fits easily in your pocket, and you connect it to a monitor or TV will get access to a computer running Windows 10, Microsoft Office pre-installed 2 GB of memory and an Intel Atom Z3735F.

ARCHOS PC is equipped with a Stick Quad-Core Intel Atom Z3735F the graphics chip Intel HD Graphics. Additionally, the device offers 2 GB of RAM, 32 GB of internal memory and the possibility of its expansion via microSD card.

When connecting a PC ARCHOS Stick to the HDMI input device, such as a TV or monitor, users in a few moments gains access to your computer. PC Stick connects to the keyboard, mouse and other accessories via Bluetooth or USB port, which allows you to use content from your computer. It is also possible to connect your smartphone or tablet and transform it into a keyboard compatible with PC Stick.

Please ongoing competition in the construction of the smallest computer in the world. ARCHOS offers a computer so small it fits in your pocket, and all for less than 100 € – commented Loic Poirier, CEO of ARCHOS.

Windows 10 Microsoft Office

Stick ARCHOS PC is equipped with the Windows 10 operating system, it also

preinstalled with Microsoft Office including Microsoft Word Mobile, Excel Mobile, and PowerPoint Mobile. In addition, users can use the application Cortana – personal assistant of Windows, as well as full access to the application from the Windows Store 10. For the first time in the history of Windows introduces support for virtual desktops.

The ARCHOS PC Stick will be available after the holidays this year. for the price of 409 zł.



Russians to help NASA – Republic

Source: SpaceX

The company Roskosmos is prepared to deliver cargo to the International Space Station, after a not handle this myself NASA ship.

– If Americans need to deliver anything to the station then of course we will help -zadeklarował representative Roskosmosu today, Interfax agency said.

After the loss of the cargo ship Dragon, NASA does not have the supply of equipment and supplies to the US segment of the station. In addition to water, food and oxygen Dragon was also transported suits to go into space. The Americans assured that the crew has enough supplies for several months. However, all the equipment was lost Research, who also was on board the Dragon.

The cause loss of the Dragon was the failure of the launch vehicle Falcon 9 SpaceX is a private company production. The company halted rocket flights for several months. The cause of the outbreak of the rockets could be additional pressure in containers with liquid oxygen.

The troubles SpaceX planned for the first time to compete against United Launch Alliance (a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and Boeing) with the launch of the GPS III satellites. Currently, ULA is a monopolist in of translating military satellites into space.

Since the end of the shuttle program, NASA does not have to supply the people and equipment into space. It uses the Russian Proton carrier rocket-M. One flight will cost approx. 95 million dollars. But the Russians also do not cope well. In late April Roskosmos has lost at least $ 100 million. as a result of the failure of his mission transport ship Progress


The ship was delivered to the station 2.5 tonnes of goods, including 500 kg of fuel, 50 kg of air, 420 kg of water, oxygen cylinders, apparatus and materials for research. It reached orbit launch vehicle Soyuz-2.1a. During the first cycle of the Earth, it turned out that the ship is not in contact and has not reached the desired orbit.

It opened two antennas rate system that allow you to determine the distance between the Earth and the speed of movement around the planet. He was also faulty engine operation third member carrier rocket ship and fall in rotation. Any attempt to stabilize the ship failed.

Market cosmic transport is estimated at 5.4 billion dollars. per annum and heavily dependent on Russian rockets.


Disaster space taxi from Muska – Puls Biznesu

The unmanned rocket Falcon-9 manufactured by SpaceX – Elon Musk space company – exploded on Sunday shortly after taking off from Cape Canaveral in Florida. The ship was to reach the orbit of another ship SpaceX – Dragon with food supplies for the International Space Station.

This is the third since October event space ship hired by NASA to supply the ISS program named “Falcon”. According to Bloomberg pointed out the obvious fact that there is no such thing as a routine flight into space.

Since 5 years, NASA hires Falcon program also commercial companies such as SpaceX and Boeing. Tests in this way the conditions for admission to the space tourist flights performed by these companies. He also wants to wean itself completely from the Russian aid in carrying supplies to the International Space Station.

Both SpaceX and the Federal Aviation Administration already leading the investigation into the explanation of the causes of Sunday’s accident Falcon-9. – We want to get to the causes of the accident as soon as possible, because the production of

components of the rocket lasts – told reporters SpaceX president Gwynne Shotwell.

Experts also point out that quick investigation is important for NASA, which is already in the near future had to admit to regular transport people tourist ships from SpaceX and Boeing.

– There is no harm in delay that decision as long as possible, because we see that such accidents can not be avoided – says as quoted by Bloomberg Marco Caceres expert with the Teal Group Corporation.


Wi-Fi at a distance 250 km. Students’ new record … – Onet.pl

Students in the last year founded the academic circle Wireless Group, whose aim is to implement projects related to the use of Wi-Fi signal to transmit data over long distances. Their first success was broadcast at a distance of 2 km. Then they went much further and in May 2014 they were able to assemble an Internet connection between Wroclaw and Śnieżką a distance of about 100 km and test them using video conferencing on Skype.

The students decided that the next step will be to establish a connection at a distance 250 km and prepared for this task for several months. The connection had been established between Great Owl in the Owl Mountains and Babia Gora, and was used in the 32 dB parabolic antennas, transmitters and other devices MikroTik. The project was particularly important because, if successful, would be the longest in Poland WiFi connection.

End block --->

Last weekend they have achieved complete success, which did not fail to boast on his fanpege’u.


Students from Wroclaw established a WiFi connection at a distance of 250 … – rmf24.pl

We have a new record: Wroclaw University of Technology students have established a WiFi connection at a distance 250 km! This is the longest by radio amateur in Poland. The signal sent between the antennas placed on the Great Owl in Lower Silesia and Malopolska Babia Gora.

Students of the Technical University of Wroclaw at the top of the Great Owl

/ Bartholomew Paulus / RMF FM

We proved to ourselves that we are able to do any of this. The second outcome in Europe and third in the world – heard the record holders of freshly baked RMF FM reporter Bartholomew Paulus, who accompanied them on the Great Owl.

The previous record was 218 km. Beaten by students of scientific circles Wireless Group preparing for over a year. They started with the appointment of two high points at the correct distance. Fell on the two peaks in the two provinces – Babia Gora and the United Sowa. Between these places is direct visibility, which can establish a wireless connection.

The students had to complete the necessary equipment themselves and pay it to the two peaks. They acquired them in two of five teams.

Wroclaw University of Technology students on the way to the summit of the Great Owls

/ Bartholomew Paulus / RMF FM

We want to test your skills and knowledge gained in college. (…) The mere enumeration, setting antennas, taking into account the curvature of the earth is a big

challenge. The only thing we can not control, the weather – told our reporter in front of the action.

A day later, while they enjoy the success! Record connection has become a work of Mariusz Kondratowicza, James Jochimiaka, Mark Wesolowski, Charles Struk, Daniel Szostak, Matthew Chudzińskiego, Martin Maroszek, Kamila court of Peter Max and Daniel Kosowski. Congratulations!

Wroclaw University of Technology students on the way to the summit of the Great Owl

/ Bartholomew Paulus / RMF FM

Students of the Technical University of Wroclaw at the top of the Great Owl

/ Bartholomew Paulus / RMF FM



Sunday, June 28, 2015

Stick PC – a computer version of the On-The-Go from Archos for 409 zł – wirtualnemedia.pl

PC Archos Stick comes with the Windows 10 operating system pre-installed, Microsoft Office (including Microsoft Word Mobile, Excel Mobile, and PowerPoint Mobile) and application Cortana (personal assistant of Windows).

connecting Stick to a PC with an HDMI input device, such as a TV or monitor, the user gains access to your computer. PC Stick connects to the keyboard, mouse and other accessories via Bluetooth or USB port. It is also possible to connect your smartphone or tablet and transform it into a keyboard compatible with PC Stick.

In addition, PC Archos Stick is equipped with a quad-core Intel Atom Z3735F the graphics chip Intel HD Graphics, 2 GB of RAM and 32 GB of internal memory with the possibility of extension for microSD card.

PC Archos Stick will be available after the holidays this year. for a suggested retail price of 409 zł.


Author: km

More information Archos, minicomputer , On-The-Go


Columbia: happy ending search for two boys – Onet.pl

The action was attended by dozens of firefighters. Children went biking in the forest and for several hours wóciły not home.


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