Monday, June 15, 2015

Shock and disbelief – backward compatibility in the Xbox One! – CHIP

No backwards compatibility in the new generation of consoles was a shortcoming that players can not swallow. Every now and then there were indeed remastered editions of the biggest hits of the Xbox 360 and PS3, but it was only a drop in the ocean. And when now, almost two years after the launch of next-generation consoles everybody already resigned himself to the idea that in their old games do not play a game on a new platform, Microsoft will introduce the unexpectedly function in the Xbox One.

In theory, this is work in This means that the drive xbox one simply insert the game with Xbox 360, and then from a digital store for free download installation files (the same goes for previously purchased digital version – of course then insert any disc you do not need). The game will look the same as on the previous generation, with that will come with the functionality of the Xbox One, ie. The ability to take screenshots, streamowania on a PC with Windows 10 like. It sounds too good to make this possible?

Well, there is one catch – not every game will get that
opportunity. This is will depend on developers. For now list presents itself modestly – from big-budget titles we have only the first part of Mass Effect. Officially backward compatibility work by the end of this year, but participants Xbox One Preview can test it now.


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