Friday, June 26, 2015

Expert: not all sunglasses give a hundred percent … – Virtual Poland

Glasses with stall
Many Poles are convinced by now that you should use sunglasses, especially in summer and during holiday trips. Still, some people incorrectly selects it and does not provide adequate protection for your eyes by ultraviolet (UV). – Do not let us buy mainly ordinary sunglasses offered in coastal and street stalls, since they do not provide adequate protection for the eyes. Lenses used in them are of poor quality, even their shape is generally people found fit to the frame – says Tomasz Tokarzewski optometrist.
Specialist for 15 years has trained ophthalmologists and optometrists from across the country in the techniques and matching eye examination contact lenses. He is editor of the first Polish edition of the textbook “optometry” and a member of the British Contact Lens Association (BCLA).

In his view, only the optical salon we can be sure that our specialists will select the appropriate form of the luminaire and the type of lenses, popularly called “lenses “. – For many people, it is important aesthetic frames, we want to have fashionable glasses and well-matched to the face, to feel comfortable in them. We are able to provide choosing the right frames and lenses – says Tokarzewski.

 Safe, or what?

The specialist advises that the fixtures were rather higher than for the small to the least sunlight shone from the top and sides of glasses. It is also necessary to match them with the appropriate lenses with UV protective filters, which are not cheap sunglasses. Proper filters are very important because as a result darken the pupil expands and passed to the eye more harmful UV radiation.

It is important what material the lenses are made and what treatment was used in them, because that also depends on protection eyes. Complete protection from the sun’s rays provide lenses with the index higher or equal to 1.53. When you choose a lens with a lower index, for example 1.50, it is worth equip them with additional UV 400, because only such provides full protection against UV (information on power filter should be placed on the glasses holder or container glasses).

– It is equipped with filters blocking sunglasses polarized light, which is reflected from any surface, for example, from water – says Tokarzewski. Most often it happens when we are on the beach, but sunlight is reflected also on the puddles, windows or mirrors, which while driving could hinder his lead. Polarized lenses allow you to avoid glare and squinting.

There are also a coating that

blocks the harmful UV radiation that is reflected from the inner surface of the lens and also reaches the eyes. Because the rays fall on the glasses not only from the front, some of them reflected on their inner surface.

 Sunglasses for children?

It is uncertain, however, whether sunglasses should be used by children. Some experts believe that with kids this is not preferred because it can interfere with development of the eye, such as the right to receive color.

– But I think when you’re going on vacation, this addition to parents in sunglasses should be well equipped children. The idea is to protect them from excessive UV radiation only during this period. I agree that children should not wear sunglasses constantly, and only when necessary – says Tokarzewski.

Fashion lenses are coated mirror. It does not alter color perception and allows safe driving. According Tokarzewskiego, lens mirror coating have the advantage that further limit the flow of harmful radiation to the eye because some of them are reflected from the mirror. They do not change the perception of color vision. For years, they are readily used by climbers and athletes.

Sunglasses also protect against melanoma. – People think only skin melanoma, meanwhile, is the most common primary intraocular cancer in adults; of about 10 percent. cases of melanoma – notes Dr. Luke perch, oncologist and expert targeted at young people Rakoobrona campaign aimed at education in the field of cancer prevention.

(PAP) / (mtr), WP Female


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