Sunday, June 21, 2015

WWF wants to pick out from the Baltic 350 tons of old fishing nets –

  Photo: Thinkstock
  Baltic Sea

As part of the dozens of boats depart from Baltic ports in areas designated by the experts to seek out and catch these dangerous for fish, birds and marine mammals network.

This year’s is the world’s largest project for cleaning the sea from the network spectra. WWF estimates that together with the fishermen grab the network to 350 tons from the Baltic Sea. The first unit was set off fishing in the sea JASTARNIA on search campaigns. Another will leave from other ports, including Kolobrzeg and Ustka. Fishermen will be accompanied by special observers.

Collecting will be performed by experts selected places where there is the greatest likelihood of concentration network. After sterilize the they will be recycled.

“Collecting the network by fishing is one of the main activities of the project implemented by Kołobrzeska Fish Producers Group, in collaboration with WWF Poland “- says Marta Stansfield of WWF Poland. The action is a continuation of an earlier initiative in the years 2011-2013, when he pulled 27 tons network.

According to estimates WWF Poland, but the Polish exclusive economic zone of the Baltic Sea can spread up to 800 tons Network spectra. These networks continue to catch fish. As shown by research, łowność left in the nets kept in the range of 6 to 20 percent. of their original capacity. This uncontrolled catch of fish and other

organisms, including birds and marine mammals may have a negative impact on the populations that live in the sea and the stability of the ecosystem.

In addition to fishing boats during the event will be attended by divers. A large part of the network is lost by the result hooks on the wrecks. In turn, their purification can be carried out only with the participation of divers. Thanks to the cooperation with the Maritime Academy in Szczecin and the involvement of the ship Navigator XXI, belonging to the institution, will be proposed two wrecks to clean. Additionally, the project will help develop a system of electronic tagging fishing nets, which in the future will identify owners of lost fishing nets.

“We hope that our project will be a model solution for use in other countries and basins – adds Stansfield. – Spectrum Networks is a global problem that can be eliminated. Therefore, besides the recovering we want to introduce a system for preventing the loss of network spectrum, which will include a new Network marking method and an interactive database available on the website Hitch: “

The campaign supports Ministry of Environment, National Water Management and MEP Jaroslaw Walesa. The action is carried out within the framework of the investment Fri. “Removal from the bottom of the Baltic Sea by fishermen lost fishing gear and residual.”


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