Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Tatra chamois less –

Friday, June 26 (11:15)

1 107 goats, including 104 young and counted in Tatra naturalists of the Tatra National Park and the sister park in Slovakia. It is over a hundred less than in the same period last year. Only after the Polish side of the Tatras counted 284 goats.

Tatra chamois in the hollow behind Monk in the Tatra Mountains

/ Grzegorz Momot / PAP

Filip Zieba of the Tatra National Park notes that the number of chamois in the Tatra Mountains for several years is a record. In 2012, their numbers in the highest Polish mountains has exceeded a thousand pieces.

The Naturalist stressed that while action in the Tatra chamois counting was bad weather, which could have an impact on the failure to see certain individuals. Therefore, in the autumn chamois they will be counted again.

Autumn counting verified the population of chamois in the Tatras. Then we will see how many young goats survive, how many fall prey to predators – Zieba said.

Naturalists point out that

autumn is easier to count the goats. Then chamois together in large flocks called kierdelami.


Article from category: Science



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