Monday, June 15, 2015

The lander Philae resumes – Virtual Poland

  In November last year, Rosetta after 10 years of flight reached the orbit of the comet 67P / Churyumov-Gerasimenko and the Philae lander on Nov. 12 as the first ever vehicle landed on its surface. Unfortunately, the landing was not without problems, and the lander, which probably landed in the shade, after three days he had to go into hibernation. ESA announced yesterday that the Philae re-established contact with Earth.

 Landing from November 2014 did not complete the thought exactly the ESA. The lander will most likely landed in the recess so that its solar panels could not generate enough power to charge the batteries. Philae could only perform basic tests planned by European researchers. After three days he entered into hibernation and many people thought that his mission is over.

 But it turned out that they were right optimists, who pointed out that in the coming months comet, circling the Sun, rotates in such a way that the light starts to rain on the lander’s solar panels. All indications are that there has been something like that, because in the last weekend of Philae re-established contact with Earth.

 ESA has determined that the software lander wybudziło from hibernation some time ago, but only recently Rosetta spacecraft flew over the lander, so you can make contact with Earth. In memory of the lander is currently 8,000 packets of data that will be transmitted back to Earth as soon as

the lander batteries are fully charged.

 All indications so that the Philae lander mission will continue.

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