Saturday, June 20, 2015

Another proof for active volcanoes on Venus – Gazeta Wyborcza











             volcano Idunn Mons, based on data provided by probes & # x119; Magellan.

volcano Idunn Mons, based on data provided by the probe Magellan. (NASA / JPL-Caltech / ESA)



has long been known for volcanic past Venus. However, only a detailed analysis of the data submitted by the probe Venus Express made it possible to say that this process continues to this day.





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Venus is one of the four rocky planets of our solar system and, like all the others on this site is an inner planet (circulates inside the asteroid belt). It is the second planet in terms of distance from the sun. It has the densest atmosphere of all the terrestrial planets in our solar system, consisting mostly of carbon dioxide. It is difficult to observe Venus. The development of observational techniques in the twentieth century. Allowed to know many details about the planet. But it was only in the 70s of the last century learned more about the construction of its surface. This allowed for radar research conducted by the Arecibo Observatory. In the first study of Venus participated, among others probe the space program of the Soviet Union and the United States – Venera and Mariner.

All data collected over the years have established that the diameter of Venus is similar to the diameter of our planet, like mass, which accounts for about 81 percent . Earth’s mass. The similarities between the planets suggest they have a similar internal structure to each other. As in the case of Earth, Venus kernel should be at least partially liquid because both the planets formed around the same time and have similar cooling rate.

Some scientists speculate that perhaps on the planet at the beginning of its existence was the ocean but vanished during the growth temperature of the atmosphere. The water that evaporates, disintegrated in the atmosphere and no magnetic field caused the hydrogen was blown away into space by the solar wind. None of the magnetic field around the planet is probably due to the lack of plate tectonics on the surface of Venus, which hinders the outflow of heat from the interior of the planet.

There is one great similarity between the planets: two remain geologically active. The fact that Venus was volcanically active millions of years ago, is known in shaping its surface. Limited amount of traces of asteroid strikes testifies to the fact that the planet’s surface is relatively young and has about 300-600 million years ago. Until now, evidence of volcanic activity on Venus was little. Among other things, they provide their probe of the “Venera”. Thanks to them, observed lightning in the atmosphere of a planet similar to discharges associated with volcanic explosions on Earth. Another evidence of the existence of volcanic activity was exceptionally good state of preservation craters. No signs of erosion indicates a slight age of these formations. This theory also favored the observation of the years of 1978 and 1986. There was then a tenfold decrease in sulfur dioxide content in the atmosphere. There is a high probability that its previous high concentration was caused by volcanic eruptions. However, so far, we failed to observe the lava flow in and around the caldera discovered.

Currently an international team of scientists during the analysis of data provided by the European Space Agency (ESA) has uncovered evidence that the volcanic processes occur all the time. Data provided by the probe Venus Express missions ongoing in the years 2005-15.

In addition to the confirmation of the presence of electrical discharges in the atmosphere of Venus probe provide data about the places on the planet’s surface, which temporarily high temperature fluctuations occur. These hot spots on the surface of Venus appear and disappear within a few days. The researchers speculate that this phenomenon is caused by lava flows. Pictures taken with an infrared camera allowed for observation of temperature peaks reaching up to several hundred degrees and dispersed in an area of ​​1 200 square kilometers. The probe also confirmed spikes in sulfur dioxide concentration in the atmosphere of

the planet.

Observations hot spots on the surface of Venus in conjunction with geological mapping performed by the probe Venera and Magellan constitute strong evidence of continuous volcanic activity on the planet.

– This phenomenon is strong evidence for the presence of volcanic processes on the surface of the planet, which shows geological activity. This is a great discovery that will allow us to understand the evolution of the terrestrial planets – said prof. James W. Head of Brown University geology department.

Source : Brown University

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