Friday, June 12, 2015

Three-dimensional animation of the flight around Ceres made of … –

2015-06-12 11:50

 Three-dimensional animation flight around Ceres is made of the most recent photos

[Photo: sxc / cc / dimitri c]

The US space agency NASA posted on its website an animation flight around Ceres based on the latest images taken by the probe Dawn.

The images used to create animations were made by the Dawn spacecraft during its first orbit around Ceres, designed to carry an object map. This orbit proceeded at a height of 13600 km above the Ceres. Also used pictures to browse the probe, made from a distance of 5100 km.

The resulting data were used to perform a three-dimensional model of the surface of Ceres. For the purposes of the animation vertical dimensions increased by a factor of two, and added as a background star field view.

Video of animation can be downloaded in various formats from: details.php? id = 1380

Ceres orbits the Sun in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. It belongs to the category of objects called dwarf planets by astronomers that are too small to meet the criteria defining a planet, but despite this stand out from other asteroids.

Formally designated as (1) Ceres has a diameter of 950 km and is the largest object in the asteroid belt. It was discovered January 1, 1801 by an Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi. Since then she

changed her treatment by astronomers in the context of assignments to different categories of bodies in the solar system. Initially, it was defined as a planet, then as an asteroid, and since 2006 as a dwarf planet. In the sky Ceres has a brightness allows for the perception of binoculars, this year will be the brightest in late July.

Dawn probe was launched from Earth by NASA in 2007. First he visited the asteroid Vesta, which examined from orbit in 2011 and 2012. Now revolves around Ceres was the first space probe that reached the vicinity of the dwarf planet. The cost of the Dawn mission amounted to $ 472 million. (PAP)

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