Thursday, June 25, 2015

NEWS DZIENNIK.PL. The agreement with FSO signed, a new … –

Again loudly about the rebirth of Polish automotive legends – siren. As we found out, AK Motor Poland Sp. Zoo , a company founded in Warsaw by the Polish-Canadian designer and businessman, Arkadiusz Kaminski concluded with FSO SA agreement on cooperation in the development of two new cars – AK mermaid Melusine and AK siren Ligea.

– AK Motor Poland and FSO coordinate future path Siren brand for several years and at the beginning of 2015 years ratify a formal agreement on cooperation for development two new vehicles – explained in an interview with Arkadiusz Kaminski, the founder and CEO of AK Motor Poland Sp. with. o.o

It states that first car covered by the joint venture project is currently conducted AK mermaid Melusine, who first presented December 6, 2013 year. READ MORE & gt; & gt; & gt;

– FSO supports the technological development of the car in terms of its completion, modular and multivariate optimization, and then prepare for mass production. In the coming weeks it will be unveiled to the public model AK mermaid Melusine on a scale of 1: 5, which we built in the first half of this year – tells us the head of the AK Motor Poland.

He added that the next phase of development will include production prototype in real scale, and additional variants of the car will be presented soon. However, this is not the end of the hot information.

– AK Motor Poland, in cooperation with the FSO thinking about introducing a brand new sports car with the siren – Siren Ligea AK model. According to tradition, which was established already before for the model Meluzyna, Ligea called from the name of another legendary siren, derived from Greek mythology – betrays Arkadiusz Kaminski, who provided us with two photographs of a new car.

The designer stresses that the new AK siren Ligea is the first siren, which breaks with the tradition of front-mounted engine. unit The drive will be centrally mounted , as in a racial-type sports cars Audi R8.

– While the first

version of the new sports car siren will have a gasoline engine mounted transversely Ligea chassis has been designed from the outset to accommodate different powertrains, including a drive hybrid if the drive as a whole electrical or electric jet – says Kaminski and states that, in the latter case it comes to allay like the one adopted in the Jaguar C-X75.

Jaguar is powered by four electric motors in full, and has two turbines – each with a capacity of 96 hp – burning natural gas, diesel, biofuel or LPG. Turbines serve as generators when the power to the engine to lose power. Thanks to extend the range to 900 km.

The principle of operation of solutions that can be used in the new siren Ligea to be similar. – but have their own unique approach to this technology, which is probably is a patented us mysteriously Kaminski said.

We also know that in addition to the function of a sports car, AK siren Ligea is to serve as a platform for scientific experiments and development of innovative technologies that will appear in future cars.

What is worth noting that the logo “Ligea” to a new model designed by Paul Panczakiewicz, which is related with Stanislaw Panczakiewiczem, which in turn has designed the bodywork of the original siren FSO, presented in 1955.


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