Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A large flare on the Sun – the danger of magnetic storm – Interia

1 hour . 1 minute ago

The sun emitted a flash of strength unseen for a long time. At the peak it reached almost a class X, but ultimately classified him M6.7

Such an outburst was not long


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release of the flare corresponds to the active area of ​​the 2529th It is a huge group of spots that appeared about a week ago and continues to grow. Previously region called because of the shape of the “heart

of the Sun”, remained relatively calm, but on April 18 ended up and the result is a flare, which due to the current flauta solar, can be regarded as exceptional.

the flare of the spots in 2529 managed to cause interference to radio communications on shortwave. According to forecasts, this active zone remains potentially dangerous for a few days. Its current configuration of the magnetic can contribute to the development of new flares.

In addition to the currently Sun can be observed coronal hole, which emits a high-speed solar wind. Some of these emissions can reach our planet in the next few days.

Article from category: Space


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