An earthquake with a strength of 6.6 on the Richter scale took place in south-west Asia. The epicenter of the tremors was located on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Tremors were felt among in Lahore, Delhi and Kaubulu. Many residents were forced to leave their homes. At the moment there is no information about victims.
The epicenter was located near the town of Chitral, in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan, at a depth of 210 km.
last year in the same area there was an earthquake with a strength of 7.5 on the Richter scale. It was killed almost 300 people, and thousands of homes were destroyed.
Reuters, BBC
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Three survivors rescued from a deserted island three people for three days waiting for help on one of the uninhabited islands in the south Pacific. They were spotted from the plane through the string, the who drew up the palm leaves. Added: 2016-04-10 24:43
Jihadists fighting with the government of the Philippines. They killed 18 soldiers the so-called Islamic State has opened another front. After Iraq, Syria and Africa, the next destination on the world map disturbed by the radical Islamists are Philippines – tells the BBC. Added: 2016-04-10 10:23
included is the only woman in the list sought by the FBI After months of hiding he fell only woman placed the FBI’s list of 10 most wanted criminals. Fugitive arrested in Mexico – CNN reported. Added: 2016-04-10 9:47
poll. The attack in Smolensk believe mostly voters PiS The results of the survey Ariadna learn more about the passing of Poles on the events of 6 years. The vast majority of respondents will celebrate the anniversary of the tragedy. Added: 2016-04-10 9:03
the fire in the temple. More than a hundred people dead More than 100 dead and 200 wounded is a terrifying balance of fire in southern India. The cause of the tragedy was the ignition of fireworks stored in a temple in connection with the forthcoming feast – CNN reported. Added: 2016-04 -10 7:59
PiS MP has drawn up a report on the crimes in Ukraine Margaret Gosiewska prepared a special report on human rights violations during the still ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The report, entitled “Russian war crimes in eastern Ukraine” intends to submit to the International … Added: 2016-04-09 20:25
We know the identity of” the man in the hat. ” Abrini confessed Belgian prosecutor’s office confirmed that Mohamed Abrini admitted to the presence of the day of the attack at the airport of Zaventem. The man known as the “man in the hat” or “man in white” was searched by the police across Europe. Added: 2016-04-09 19:57
US warns of attacks in Turkey. Istanbul and Antalya threatened The US Embassy in Ankara issued on Saturday, an official warning for its citizens residing in Turkey. According to the American services are “credible threat” in the tourist areas of Turkey – writes … Added: 2016-04- 09 18:05
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The Austrian government buys Hitler’s apartment authorities in Austria are planning to take over the house where Adolf Hitler was born. In this way, intend to prevent meetings that neo-Nazis arrange in a historic place – reports the BBC. Added: 2016-04-09 15:36
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the Archbishop told that no other father Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby discovered at age 60 that the man who all his life he regarded as his biological father, in fact, it is not – tells Reuters.
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