Sunday, April 10, 2016

What is Planet 9? Hypotheses scientists – Polish Radio

                             Another theory about “Planet 9″ hypothetical object circulating on the fringe of the solar system. Two months ago, its likely existence of the reported scientific journals.

The research team led by Alexandra Mustilla of Lund Observatory in Sweden suggested’s theory about the origin of this mysterious object.

– Although the probability is small, however, there – says Mustill. The conclusions of a computer simulation showing how the sun conducive to gravity on other stars.

As a young star, the sun was part of the cluster of similar objects together and it is possible that many met ‘closer’. It was during these close-ups may have to take over the planet formed with another star.

For this to happen, our daily star would be closer to 150 astronomical units to another (1 AU = average distance from the Earth to the Sun).

for now, we are doomed to speculation. There is no evidence for the existence of Planet 9, although there are also no other good explanation of anomalies that occur among in the orbits of objects orbiting in the Kuiper Belt at the edge

of our System. That’s why Michael Brown and Konstantin Batygin proposed the theory that the Belt that conceals the gas planet Jupiter type.

But Planet 9 really exist? The search continues.

(ew / New Scientist)


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