Sunday, April 10, 2016

By changing your diet dachshund recovered. Previously he weighed up to 17 kg –

Photo: Facebook / Skinny Vinnie of K-9 Angels Rescue Houston Thick dachshund named Vincent lost weight

Its weight was then up to 17 kg, while dogs of this breed should weigh no more than 9 kg.

– It was hard to distinguish when he is, and he stands on his short legs. Belly almost did not remove the ground – said in an interview with CNN vet.

In addition to a large overweight dachshund grappled with high cholesterol and had a problem

getting around. The Foundation quickly helped Vincent get back into shape. Today dachshund valid less than eight kilograms, is full of energy.

Vincent is a very friendly dog ​​that needs a lot of love and the person who will take care of his health. Currently, the foundation is looking for a family who take care of him.


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