Monday, April 18, 2016

Matthew Żołyniak: Kindle Oasis promises to be sensational. And that’s why I hate Amazon! – Gadzeto Mania

When I finally decided it was time to abandon the old Kindle and change to Paperwhite’a or model Voyage, Amazon had to present Oasis, a new e-book reader, which I like a lot more than its predecessors, but you certainly do not buy.

In this article you will learn:
  1. Amazon has designed the new e-book reader
  2. which has a screen Paperwhite Oasis
  3. that unique feature offers a new case for Oasis
  4. if you have to spend the new Kindle

I love the smell of newly printed pages, and the rustle of turning of pages. Although this paper books lose me struggle with their digital counterparts, whose corners do not fold out cards do not get dirty, and cover not break.

While the ebooks immediately is come to mind reader Kindle, which the family has expanded with a new member & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; model Oasis. At this time prepared us for Amazon?

Smaller and lighter yet

Manufacturer boasted that the housing OASIS has been designed from scratch. It is slimmest and lightest of e-book readers, which so far has launched Amazon. The equipment weighs only 136 grams, or about 20 percent. less than the lightest of the current Kindle models. The design of the device is made of polycarbonate and metal, so it has to be rigid and durable.

Amazon also claims that the new shape of the reader enabled shift of the center of gravity oasis palm reader. As a result, he is resting in his hand almost as much as the spine ordinary book, and at the same time easier to keep balance when holding it with one hand.

The equipment also detects whether the user holds it in the right or left hand (a built-in accelerometer ). As a result, the system automatically adjusts the read pages. These can be knocked over by using the physical buttons on the side of the front panel or pomooą touch screen.

The new Paperwhite display

For the purposes of Oasis, a new display, which is even thinner (use of 200-micron rear plate of the display). Amazon boasts also higher brightness panel , which was achieved thanks to the backlight, which is about 60 percent. more LEDs than the solutions used so far. Screen Paperwhite Oasis has a pixel density of 300 PPI , that is, such as panels of the last Paperwhite’a or Voyage’a.

Double Battery

a unique solution is & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; added in the kit & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; removable leather housing for charging . It is equipped with its own link (for

cellular construction), from which the reader is charged when the accessory is connected. Both batteries can be recharged at the same time.

Case is made from the skin, and adheres firmly to the reader by a clamping composed of 12 magnets. The new system automatically sleepy oasis, when the user closes the cover of the housing. Accessory will be available in three colors & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; black, plum and walnut.

High quality, high price

Kindle Oasis offers access to all the functions, which offered the previous generations of readers. This applies both to automatic data synchronization and integration of service Goodreads, and the presence of the dictionary or to inform the user about it when finished reading the chapter.

Oasis entered the pre-sales offer, and users of Polish will be able to order it from a German department store ( Cheap, unfortunately, will not. The basic model is priced at 289.99 euros , which in terms give approx. 1250 zł . Version with built-in 3G modem, in turn cost 349.99 euros , which is approx. 1500 zł .

It is not worth to overpay

New Kindle has a brighter screen, even longer runs on batteries and is slightly better made. Me the most convincing, however, changed design of the offset center of gravity, which can make them keep the device not as a standard reader or tablet, a real book.

It was not anything big, but my case very affects the comfort of reading – equipment rests in your hand and do not need to keep it under equivalent terms.

it should not be surprising, then, that as soon as I saw Oasis, I wanted to have this device. It’s just that I do not intend to pay for the 3G version of three times as much as the Paperwhite’a . There also will be recommending it to anyone who enjoys throwing no cash left and right. The more that Voyage still satisfy even the most demanding users.


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