Thursday, April 21, 2016

Tesla Model 3: The car after that line up the queue – Gadzeto Mania

Tesla recently presented new electric car – Model 3. this is the first electric vehicle that has a chance to reach a mass audience. Its price is similar to that of cars with similar performance offering traditional drive.

In this article you will learn:

  1. how much Tesla Model 3
  2. that performance has a new electric car Tesla
  3. what is Gigafactory
  4. in what respects Tesla is similar to Apple’s

car of the future

Elon Musk has a clear plan. He wants to get the technology of the future for ordinary people. His first car – Tesla Roadster – was very expensive and less available. In 2012, it was time for Model S – the first electric car that was not going to compromise. Long range, good performance and … still high price.

Musk says that earned in the first models of the money, issued at the design target model & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; Tesla Model 3. it costs US $ 35,000. this is not a price different from the price of combustion cars offer similar performance. And that was the point.

Acceleration Model 3: 100 km / h in six seconds

electric cars are in many ways much better than their gasoline counterparts. the maximum torque of the engine is in their case, available immediately, so the vehicle żwawiej responds to pressing the gas pedal.

These structures are extremely quiet and have a trunk with both front and rear & amp; hairsp; – & amp; hairsp; finally the engine is very small, and the transmission is not in all. An electric car can also have better handling characteristics.

The center of gravity is located very low (batteries in the floor), and so it is safe to drive and holds the road well.

Tesla Model 3

So far, however, electric cars also had two big drawbacks – short range on a single charge and low performance. As it happens, the new Tesla these ailments do not apply. The basic version of the car accelerates to a hundred in 6 seconds, and the battery can drive about 350 km.

Noteworthy is also the interior of the car, and more his dashboard. Its key element is a 15-inch touch screen, which is enough to support all systems of the car. Minimalism full fledged.

Scale of production: 500 thousand. units per year

Elon Musk says Tesla is now able to produce half a million cars a year. The biggest challenge was to produce so many pieces of high-capacity batteries.

data-srcset="">Tesla Model 3

Temu task is to meet the special factory – Gigafactory . Giga in the name did not take a reason. Firstly hall located in the Nevada desert is the second largest of this type of building in the world (the first is the hall Boeing).

Secondly, it is to be produced there more batteries lithium-ion batteries than in all the other factories around the world put together. impressive.

What do Tesla and Apple?

Cars brand Tesla they are modern and minimalist. They attract customers low degree of complexity of design and ease of use. More important, however, is that the products Tesla were not going to compromise. Elon Musk showed that auto ecological also can cause a lot of fun to drive and have a great performance.

Tesla, like Apple, has clearly outlined the mission and philosophy of the brand . Electric cars are the next step, environmental and automotive revolution. They have, however, be available for everyone and not to deviate from the price of conventional models.

Tesla Model 3

Even presentation of the new Tesla had an identical scheme at Apple presentations. Musk turned the order of transfer. He started with higher values ​​and mission of the company. Then he revealed how he wants to carry it out.

Only at the very end of the show the audience the product. As such reordering media manipulates the mind of a potential consumer wrote on Komórkomanii.

That was enough to Tesla sold more than 400,000 pieces of Model 3 in the first two weeks. Moreover, more than 100,000 copies were sold even before the official launch of the car .

People waited reportedly after a couple of hours in queues to make a down payment on a new Muska product … not even knowing what he looks like and what it offers. Orders will be processed only at the end of 2017 year.


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