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According to EC officials Google launched a strategy for mobile devices, in order to maintain and strengthen its dominant position in the Internet search market. The EC pointed out that the Google Search is preinstalled as the default, or only search engine for most of the operating system, Android mobile devices, which are sold in Europe.
The American giant dictates that manufacturers of smartphones and tablets, who want to use its operating system. The Commission considered that these measures prevent competitive search market access through browsers and operating systems of other companies.
"Our initial review of this investigation is that these practices violate EU competition law" - said at a press conference in Brussels, EU Commissioner for. Competition Margrethe Vestager. She pointed out that currently more than half of internet traffic is generated via mobile devices. Globally, 80 percent. one has installed the Android operating system. This percentage is even higher if we take into account only the cheaper of these devices.
"Smartphones and tablets play a key role in our lives. Every day we use them to search, travel planning, or check the weather," - he pointed out the Commissioner.
The investigation into the practices of Google, was initiated in April last year. After 12 months, which is quite fast, the Commission presented a preliminary opinion by written objections to American corporations.
The Commission criticizes concern that makes the licensing of some of its closed applications from installing the Google Search and Chrome. "Those who want to install Google Play (app store - PAP), must install Google Chrome" - said Vestager.
She pointed out that Google has more than 90 percent. European market for search services and licensing of operating systems for smartphones. "This in itself is not a problem (...), but companies with a dominant position are obliged to ensure that it does not abuse" - reserved.
The investigation revealed that Google prevents manufacturers from sales of mobile devices operating on competing operating systems based on the open source Android. The Commissioner said that the European Commission has evidence that shows that the behavior of the giant, some manufacturers abandoned the use of other versions of Android, which could be better for the users.
According to Brussels, it inhibits the development of operating systems based on the open source Android and limits the possibility of the development of new applications and services that they could offer.
The investigation also showed that the company has introduced financial incentives (eg. Shared profits) that manufacturers pre-installed on their devices only search engine Google. The Commission considers that these business practices may lead to further consolidate the dominant position of Google's Internet search market. Fears also that these practices hinder the competitive browsers to compete with Chrome. "Google's behavior harmed consumers" - pointed Vestager.
issued on Tuesday a statement of objections does not end the investigation. Google now has 12 weeks to respond to the allegations. If the Commission finally confirm their reservations, the company may have to wait financial penalties, you will also need to change its practices.
Google has announced that it is ready to work with the Commission to demonstrate that Android is good for competition and consumers. As pointed out in a statement in this case one of the vice presidents of Kent Walker, Google is serious objections the EC, but is convinced that its business model allows manufacturers to maintain low costs, while giving users unprecedented control over the devices.
Walker stressed that the agreement that Google includes manufacturers, are completely voluntary and anyone can use Android, simply by downloading it for free to build your own phone. He admitted that the producers who want to be in the system Android, commit to testing and certification that their devices will run applications on that operating system. "Without this system, the applications from a single device would not work on the second" - wrote Google's vice president.
He pointed out that Android is a free operating system and to provide for the costs of its maintenance and expansion of the company must generate profit through applications and services provided for his help.
From Brussels Krzysztof
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