Almost 4 billion zł to give additional water charges – according to calculations of the Ministry of Environment. End is the era of the use of water for free. Pay for it are, among others, power plants and farmers. This means that as a result prices will rise. Introduced will also be charged for … rainwater and melting snow. The Government admits that every Pole will pay for it approx. 30 zł per year.
All this is the effect of the new Water Law. The government plans in the appointment of a special company – State Farm Water “Water Polish”. According to the draft bill, it has to have a budget of 4.7 billion zł per year. It would be so much greater than the Agricultural Property Agency and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.
“The new unit will be responsible for maintaining the property located now in the administration of the regional boards of water management, including flood protection infrastructure with a total value of up to nearly 27.9 billion zł. (…) State Farm Water “Water Polish ‘will also be the legal successor and disposal of assets currently assigned to the marshals, worth over 7 billion zł. the total value of the property, to the above will reach approx. 34, 9 billion zł “- says the draft law written by the Ministry of the Environment.
Where did the money for the maintenance of PGW” Water Polish “? First of all, change to the rates for the use of water – mean is mainly increases. More pay, however, have not Kowalski and Nowak. The government wants money from companies. For example, to reap the 1 meter cubic groundwater have to pay 2 zł and 5 cents. Surface water will be about penny cheaper.
Pay will have to mainly power plants and power plants, which use them for cooling systems and power transmission. Association of Polish Counties predicts that it will affect negatively on the prices for heat and electricity system. The impact assessment states that the purchase cost of water needed to produce MWh will be at 0.7 percent.
The water also have to pay the farmers – now were exempt from this obligation. And that means serious costs including for fish farms. In their case the price per cubic meter will, however, approx. 25 percent. lower than that of the industry.
In this project the government admits that the new fees and policies account for water will mean problems for businesses.
“The removal of existing exemptions from fees for water consumption will be It meant an increase in the number of procedures and the obligations on traders, who will incur new costs arising from activities performed by myself “- written.
In total, the Ministry of the Environment estimates that the new fees will only raise approx. 3.74 billion zł per year.
“The potential burden on citizens / households should not exceed 29.5 zł per inhabitant per year” – says the bill.
As explained in an interview with Grzegorz Kubalski the Association of Polish Counties, higher energy prices will translate into increases in other goods.
in addition, the government also wants to that the new company had charged money for rainwater or snow that melted on the roofs. “at the same time, it is assumed that the cost will be covered by the outflow of rainwater and snowmelt” – we read.
you did not note how much they amount to charge for rainwater but it said they are conducted calculations on this. As added mainly to pay for city dwellers. “According to the postulated regulation, direct costs will be covered by the principle urban areas (approx. 5.23 percent. Area of the country – GUS data for 2014.) Or approx. 16,35 thousand. Square kilometers.”
already in
– this applies to the reimbursement of water services, which consists of this setting of certain financial instruments, which will be stimulated primarily water saving and rational utilization – said in a radio Jedynka.
What the money will do the newly created PGW “water Polish”? Answer is, among others, for the construction of levees, regulation of rivers and the construction of waterways. And plans for this issue are ambitious as reported recently in
The appointment of the new company praise local governments. At the same time they do not like them, but to give her too many competencies. The key is transferred to the company’s issues to the issuance of water permits. Currently responsible for this are the local governments.
– The situation of joining in one hand powers of the Authority and hand, has long been negatively assessed in case-law – leading to adoption by the administrative courts the concept of deprivation of the entity in this case, permissions page. This means that either the procedure will be conducted without the possibility of taking into account the interest of the state as the owner of the waters, or “Water Polish” will actually judge in its own case – explains the Ludwik Wegrzyn, CEO of ZPP, the governor bocheński.
Association adds that he does not like the idea to also take the counties competencies and revenues associated with the administration of waters. ZPP suggests that this will involve the dismissal of workers currently responsible for water issues. Even the government in the impact assessment acknowledges that the consequence of the entry into force of the new rules will be a drain on the budgets of local government about 140 million zł per year.
– The new rates for water permits are twice as high, and sometimes even several times more expensive. For example, the license fee is 140 zł, which is the income of the municipality. Now it has a range of 250 zł and getting into the company. At the same time the Act does not assume what will happen to the employees of the local government responsible for water issues. There is no record of the passage of these officials to “Water Polish” – says Grzegorz Kubalski from the Association of Polish Counties.

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