Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Astronaut could drown in space - Official

NASA investigating what caused yesterday’s accident orbiting astronaut’s spacesuit. The fault was noted yesterday during a walk outside the International Space Station.

Italy Luca Parmitano the European Space Agency launched Orbital work with Chris Cassidy from NASA. At some point Parmitano noticed that inside

the helmet is full of water. I wet the entire head and the water is probably more reported Parmitano. Heads of Mission in Houston does not have wondered for a long time. Looks like we’ll have to finish your walk – said one of the controllers and the astronauts quickly returned to the station.

walk, instead of six hours lasted a little over 90 minutes. NASA experts say that if the water in the helmet was more astronaut could drown. We do not know where did the liquid: theoretically could leak from the tank with a drink, a few liters of water are also included in the suit, in the ventilation and cooling.

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