Friday, July 26, 2013

Prehistoric figurine made together after 80 years - News 24

in Germany was remarkable archaeological discovery. Found the head of Paleolithic figurines carved from mammoth tusk. It turned out to be a part of the body excavated in the ground yet l1931 year. Eyes of scientists released a lion.

 Illustration of a replacement. Section through stratified Paleolithic Coudoulous position in France with marked stratigraphic units / Fig. Wikipedia Commons Researchers at the
University of Tübingen have unearthed the head of Paleolithic figurines carved from mammoth tusk. It turned out to be the missing element found 80 years ago the body. Thanks to this discovery figurine sculpted by an artist of several decades one thousand years regained its shape. Paleolithic lion is now exhibited in the museum in the castle Hohentuebingen University of Tübingen.

Was discovered during excavations in the cave Vogelherd in south-western Germany. It is especially rich in prehistoric treasures. They are often found here early examples of figurative art. The oldest find dates back to 40 thousand. years. In total, there were dug dozens of similar figures or larger fragments. It was there, in 1931 discovered the body of a prehistoric figurines Gustav Riek.

Recent archaeological excavations in the cave Vogelherd stable in 2005-2012. We are currently working on the development of the results of the excavations. Some of them are presented in the journal “Archaeologische Ausgrabungen”.

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