was able to silence the chromosome that causes Down syndrome
Jeanne Lawrence of the University of Massachusetts Medical School has collected skin cells from women with Down syndrome and backed them up to the level of embryonic development.
People with Down syndrome have an extra chromosome 21 Its presence is changing the way in which they develop. That’s exactly what Lawrence injects extra chromosome gene called XIST. It has silencing functions, and usually located in the chromosome X and mutes the chromosome in females.
activate XIST genes, chromosome 21 has been muted. Since that time the cells began to grow normally.
XIST gene activation prevented the expression of the APP gene, which causes the production of proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease associated with the development of Down syndrome.
Sorry, can not be a similar effect on embryos. – Not sure how this could be done with all the major cells of the body at the time when the child’s diagnizuje Downs syndrome – says Robin Lovell-Badge of the London National Institute of Medical Research.
Victor Tybulewicz from the same institution notes, however, that the research Lawrence are important show because what is ‘wrong’ in the cells of the sick. – You can try to disable chromosome 21 cells at different stages of development and to observe whether some of the consequences of the disease can be undone – speculation. Maybe we could get our although such selective, partially therapy.
Jeanne Lawrence of the University of Massachusetts Medical School, married
with Down syndrome have an additional 21st chromosome His presence changes the way in which they develop. That’s exactly what Lawrence injects extra chromosome gene called XIST. It has functions of silencing and is usually located on the X chromosome – mutes the chromosome women.
activate XIST gene on chromosome 21 as the chromosome is silenced. cells , where he performed, they began to grow normally.
XIST prevented the activation of expression of the APP gene that causes the production of proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease, which often occurs with the development of Down syndrome.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to similar effects on embryos. – I do not know how this could be done in all the major cells of the body at a time when diagnosed with Down’s syndrome child – says Robin Lovell-Badge of the London-based National Institute of Medical Research.
Victor Tybulewicz from the same institution notes, however, that the study Jeanne Lawrence is important, because it shows what is “wrong” in the cells of patients. – You can try to disable chromosome 21 in the cells at different levels of development and see whether some of the consequences of the disease can be reversed – speculation.
class=”c6″> American geneticists suggest that their research can help to create the so-called. “Holistic therapies chromosome” needed to fight with Down syndrome and other genetic disorders. Downs syndrome is relatively frequent disease, occurs in a newborn baby at 800-1000. Patients usually have reduced intellectual capacity, are often seen as naive. The disease is accompanied frequent infections and abnormal functioning of the heart.
(G / NewScientist / iar)

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