Monday, July 22, 2013

Discovered the palace of the biblical King David - News 24

Israeli scientists from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem announced that they had found the ruins of the biblical King David’s palace, where he was the ruler battle with Goliath. On the hill Khirbet Qeiyafa seat rose victorious ruler of Israel.

 Michelangelo, King David before the fight with Goliath / Fig. Wikipedia Commons Researchers at the Hebrew University examined the Khirbet Qeiyafa hill, situated about 30 km west of Jerusalem, where he invests in Israeli city Shaaraim, mentioned several times in the Old Testament. Discovered the ruins of the palace, which scientists have recognized as the seat of the biblical King David. According to archaeologists place called Khirbet Qeiyafa was probably destroyed during the battles with the Philistines in 980 years BC Location of the palace is in accordance with the requirements posed by the royal houses. The palace is in fact an elevated position with panoramic views of the Mediterranean Sea in the west and the mountains of Hebron and Jerusa lem on the east.

Yossi Garfinkel of the Hebrew University stated: “This is the best known example of a fortified city before coming to the time of King David” . However, he said he probably ruler certainly often frequented there, although its main office must have been somewhere in Jerusalem. Discovered the structure of ancient buildings confirmed previous assumptions: “This is a strong demonstration of the existence

of a central authority during the reign of King David.”

Excavations lasted seven years. First, by the radioactive carbon isotope C14 examined age ruins. Khirbet Qeiyafa / Fig. Wikimedia Commons Studies have shown that they are well-designed, fortified town from the late eleventh century BC or early X. detailed study of the structure of the buildings and discovered equipment a llowed for further findings. The researchers found one of the ruins of a palace belonging to the king, and the other for the magazine, which collected taxes in the form of agricultural products. Wall surrounding the palace was located about 30 meters long on each side and an impressive entrance, through which you could go down to the southern gate of the city, opposite the valley of Elah. They were also witness the fact that in the time of David functioned developed administrative and financial organization. Further research will help to better understand the early history of the kingdom of Judah. ??

Among the objects found, proving the existence of the industry, were dishes, which handles royal seal were signed, many remnants of ceramic, stone tools and metal objects, as well as fragments of alabaster vessels which, according to archaeologists were imported from Egypt. In hundreds of jars, and provide researchers, stored in the form of taxes on agricultural products. Th e team discovered Garfinkel cult objects usually used by the Jews, who were ruling by David. It was noted that in the ruins, there were no remains of pig bones, indicating that the Jewish people.

According to the biblical readings it was discovered near the ruins of the palace is the famous battle took place on David and Goliath. Then the city was supposed to be in the possession of the Judean king.

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