Saturday, July 6, 2013

Huge lake within one and a half years longer exists - Gazeta Wyborcza

had the size of the famous Loch Ness in Scotland, but there were deep under the ice. Year and a half was enough to no longer exists.

talking about Lake Cook, one of the nearly 400 water bodies hidden beneath the ice of Antarctica. They have long fascinated scientists, and one of them Americans found recently microorganisms.

Scientists suspect that the tanks are connected to each other via channels under ice and connect to the seas surrounding Antarctica. However, as there is in them a higher pressure than in the open

ocean, the water flows there in one direction – from the ice to the sea.

It is, as they say in “Geophysical Research Letters” researchers from the UK, probably occurred of Lake Cook. It had a 6.4 km cu. capacity and was hidden under a layer of ice with a thickness of 2.7 km in the Antarctic region. In the years 2007-08, has ceased to exist.

analyzing the measurements made by the U.S. and European ICESat satellite CryoSat-2, the researchers found that in the former lake breathes cavity of 260 sq km and a depth of up to 70 m it was visible from the air, because the glacier covering the dry lake collapsed. Over the last five years has raised a little, which means that either the tank began to return water, or fill them with glacier, which is also in the Antarctic is in constant motion.

See how it looks Antarctica ice

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