Friday, July 19, 2013

Cellular minors - Republic



Source: AFP

newest smartphone HTC One Mini offers a less than “full-size” models, but in a more handy packaging.


tablet and smartphone is too much? Phablety with screens 6 inches does not mix in your pocket? This is good news for people with smaller hands – cell manufacturers make their offer smaller – and somewhat less expensive – equipment.

That’s what HTC has done showing a smaller edition model One – one of the best rated current smartphones with Android. Its creators have decided to go with the flow – One mini has the same design and most praised traits.

first visible difference is the size. Mini has a screen size of 4.3 inches (its bigger brother – 4.7 inches). It also has a lower resolution: Full HD abandoned, offering users with 1280 by 720 pixels. Mini is also less memory (16 GB to 32 GB), a weaker processor and smaller battery.

But before potential users will complain disappointed weaker parameters, it is worth recalling that this smartphone comes with a year ago would have been considered by many a manufacturer’s flagship model.

smaller model One is to have a another important advantage – it will be a lot cheaper than the larger and older brother. Exactly how much it will cost we will know when it has come to the market. First operators have to obtain it in August, and in most markets should appear in September.

then be joined to another “baby” – Samsung Galaxy S4 mini, the Koreans are presented

in May. Similar to the HTC One and HTC One mini, the mini-S4 is depleted and reduced version of the hit Galaxy S4. diagonal screen 4, 3 inch has a resolution of only 540 by 960 pixels. Compared to the big brother also limited memory and CPU performance.

both HTC and Samsung use in this way, the popularity and strength of their flagship brands of smartphones. In the case of Samsung is especially visible – Galaxy S4 is already the whole family gadgets – phones are the kurzo-and waterproof (Active), odmianya Photography (Zoom with a better camera and optics), the model of a “pure” Android without any additional software and Samsung Finally, mini-conscious travelers.

HTC while – after the release of One mini – will probably be marketed model with larger screen. Phablet One is to be named Maxi (or Mega) and have a screen size of about 6 inches.

mystery remains less variation Apple phone. iPhone “for the poor”, defined as yet-named mini is expected to debut in September. probably at the same time will show the new version of the normal iPhone (logic commands to call it 5S). Both devices receive the latest operating system from Apple – iOS7.

If the rumors and leaks are confirmed, a small smartphone with apples will have a cheaper, plastic casing and a smaller screen.

will probably also with a cheap, older components. Depending on which side of the web with rumors of Cupertino believe mini price is expected to be from 99 to 349 dollars.


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