Friday, July 5, 2013

Can Android ever be safe? -

As if this were not enough, security experts with Bluebox Security have discovered a something much more dangerous. They argue that, that the in the security system Android, is located a fairly fact a significant gap, thanks to which could be infect almost 99% of all devices incorporating a this OS. To make matters worse, according to experts, this vulnerability is present from Adnroid 1.6, and Google is not trying to block her, even though the company informed in February of this year.

The said luka allows creators of viruses on changing the code lawful APK, without

breaking any her the cryptographic signature to their account. This allows malicious code is installed as a normal and safe application. According to the Bluebox Security use this method allows hackers to gain complete control over the device.

According to the Jeff’s Forristal, of the President of Bluebox Security, with for a moment the current the only smart-phone device a secured prior to the aforementioned loophole, is the Samsung Galaxy S4. Soon he will join the Nexus, because Google is working on an update for this model.

The conclusion from of this such a, that if you do you use for some the device with Android and do not want to have no problems, it is better quickly to sell them and change to the in a while safer the system.

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