Thursday, July 4, 2013

Died Douglas Engelbart, inventor of the computer mouse - Polish Radio


Beata Krowicka 04/07/2013

 Died Douglas Engelbart, inventor of the computer mouse

class=”imgLead” id=”photo-desc”> Douglas Engelbart, inventor of such computer mouse , photo: PAP / EPA / SRI INTERNATIONAL

reading this message you are probably at least a few inventions, which had its share of American engineer Douglas Engelbart. The most popular of these is a computer mouse that scientist invented in 1960 and patented 10 years later.

At the beginning it was a wooden box, which hid the two metal wheels which act as indicators of the coordinate axes. Even though the machine came into general use, Engelbart has not earned him a fortune. The market hit since only in 1984 with the first Apple computers and meanwhile patent expired three years later.

Douglas Engelbart died at his home in Atherton, in the heart of Silicon Valley. He was 88 lat.O his death announced on Wednesday Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, referring to the news of her daughter and the author of biographies of inventors, Christina.
Inventor insisted his job was to “broaden the human intellect” the aim was to develop a more intuitive way of computer control.


first computer mouse, designed by Douglas Engelbart / photo by PAP / EPA / SRI INTERNATIONAL

Engelbart as an employee of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) also helped create the seeds of the first ARPANET computer network, and contributed to the development of hypertext. At a time when your computer worked the room, one of the first in the world benefited from the windows of deployed or conducted by videoconference.

Most of the life of his ideas were underestimated. Engelbart redirected to other studies, we move from managerial or reduced funding for research programs. Only in 1997, he was granted in the sum of five hundred thousand. dollars and awarded to the best American inventors, Jerome Lemelson Prize and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In 2000 President Bill Clinton awarded him for his contribution to the technological development of the country.

'' PAP, bk



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