Sunday, July 7, 2013

Google Plus AdBlockowi paid for not blocking the ads ... -

This information may come as a surprise to many – the creators of the program that blocks ads, take the money from the companies is advertising.

German site Horizont reported that Google paid EYEO, the company behind Adblock Plus for adding your ads to the “white list”. Adblock Plus is a popular plug-in for web browsers – it blocks a lot of advertising on the network. As we read on her side interetowej are not only block the ads that will appear on that “white list”. To the marketing message on it was, it must be nieintruzywny can not annoy users.

but the authors write, the classification process ad is not automatic and you have to

manually add the selected items to the whitelist. This entails costs. As a result, advertising to the “white list” are free to report small websites and blogs, but the company admits that the charges of the larger agencies or services. Among them is apparently the same Google.

whole thing is controversial – Adblock Plus gained popularity due to the fact that it blocks ads, so the EYEO accepting money from advertisers and agencies smells like a conflict of interest and raises a number of concerns. On one hand, users (whether this means that Adblock Plus no longer fulfill its role?), And on the other the same advertiser (or does it mean that you have to pay EYEO “tribute” to not be blocked, even if the ads are not intrusive ‘).

Peeling back the dark look at the issue, you should also remember that EYEO may just try to be responsible – block all ads as flies may be pleasing to the user, but certainly extremely detrimental to many companies, whose business models are based on what the proceeds from the ads often free services or content.

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