Thursday, July 25, 2013

Chromecast - streams revolution Google - BBC News

Already we know what so really will be Google will TV, or at least one connected with this a service. Chromecast a special device in the shape of a USB stick that in a very easy way allows to stream images from your tablet, smartphone or computer directly to your TV screen. Google presented a small revolution!

Chromecast a small TV revolution from Google / AFP

Chromecast is a small a TV revolution from Google


Chromecast has a size of approx of 5 cm – It Pinning it to the TV for means of a joint HDMI and it properly so much. Then, from the level of any device with-in browser Chrome (or separate applications, such as YouTube or Netflix), we can to stream image directly at the screen TV. Simple and fun.

Most importantly, the streams is kind of in the cloud, so the user can continue to work – for example, browse the web, while the TV still will
show up before running the video.

The main advantage of Chromecast is its versatility. The gadget co-operates both from computers PC, Mac whether Chromebookami, as well as with portable devices equipped in the Android system or iOS. The requirement to is only one – the on the hardware must be installed browser Chrome or one of the above mentioned applications.

Another nifty function is to synchronization of devices. Streamed we begin eg on the iPhone, after which the we pass to the computer, where we can preview the current the progress of whether also turn on the another episode favorite series. Thanks to streamowaniu in the cloud, Chromecast does not consume your mobile phone battery whether also your tablet, because operates independently. For example, a smartphone, you can switch to sleep mode, and showing on the TV will nevertheless continue.

Chromecast today works with Chrome browser, as well as the application of YouTube and Netflix. In addition to displaying video files you might as well share the browser screen.

And the best of – the price. Chromecast is priced at just $ 35, with a three-month subscription to Netflix. For the time being available is solely in the territory of the United States and it is not known, when will visit to Polish. I hope as soon as possible

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