Source: AFP
class=”author”> struggling 01-09-2013
18-fold increased pollution of water stored in one of the tanks destroyed in 2011 by an earthquake and tsunami in Fukushima nuclear power plant – said the operator.
milisiwertom radiation equal to 1800 per hour – enough to kill a person exposed to it within four hours – found on Saturday near the bottom of the tank – the company said TEPCO.
August 22
contamination measurements showed the same site 100 milliSievert per hour. It was a five-year cumulative dose limit for workers of Japanese nuclear power plants.
accompanying strong earthquake tsunami struck March 11, 2011, in the north of Tokyo gym Fukushima, causing the melting of fuel rods in three reactors and radioactive contamination of the surrounding areas, of which 160 thousand were evacuated. people. Fukushima accident is assigned the highest, the seventh grade in the INES scale.

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