Thursday, September 5, 2013

The new Samsung Galaxy smart watch Gear - Internet Zone

With the Galaxy Note 3 and Galaxy Note 10.1, Samsung has unveiled the Galaxy Gear, smart watch, which will be the perfect complement for smartphones, the Korean manufacturer. This accessory, which is always “at hand” permanently connected to your smartphone, offering an extension of its functions the same.

Galaxy Gear

Samsung Galaxy Gear

This is not a stand alone unit, as there is MicroSIM card slot, but complement and extend your smartphone. While it may seem unnecessary, Samsung is trying to convince us that it can be very useful, giving you more choices and thus to a certain freedom.

difference between a watch and Galaxy electronic gear, is the same as between an ordinary phone and a smartphone – the nickname of “smart” requires. So first, we can keep track of updates every now and then without reaching into his pocket for the phone. But this is only the beginning.


have busy hands and suddenly someone is calling you?

Or maybe you have your phone in your bag (and we women often it happens that we are going not “dig” at the time)? If this is not a private conversation, or and no one listens to her not, thanks to the Galaxy Gear can immediately pick up the phone and hold a conversation in hands-free mode.

galaxy gear

Memographer, the mini camera

Samsung does not want us to lose the opportunity to photograph something very fleeting, when the situation will be repeated again your not quite at hand. At the event, along with the camera gear we have on the wrist.

Watch full sensor

Not only is this watch. And it is not only elegant watch. Samsung Galaxy Gear is much more. With a microphone, which allows phone calls, the accelerometer, which allows you to receive calls one flick of the wrist, with the camera to take pictures in an instant … the device has a plurality of sensors that set it apart from the competition in the sector and through which the concept begins to take shape. This device with 1.63-inch Super AMOLED, is prepared to offer independence more than 25 hours, or more than one day, which promises to be something that’s worth giving a try.

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