Puzzle Company Valve has been made in the whole and, contrary to the expectations of some, the latest announcement is not related to either the Source engine 2 or Half-Life 3 Players will receive for a complete gaming platform, which consists of: the operating system SteamOS, PC Steam Machines and … Steam gamepad controller. What is the objective set itself, Valve? Move the game to the stores, which will be an unspecified period of 2014.
announcement Steam Machines
Many of us expected a few months ago announced by a team led by Gabe Newell console that would be able to compete on the market with devices coming generation of Sony and Microsoft, and yet, in spite presented a “normal” computer in the new Valve logo apparel signed with functionality will be similar to what they offer and what the current consoles offer great strides upcoming PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. But is it? It turns out that Gabe Newell and company are going to pull out (many a) an ace from his sleeve.
Announced Steam controller can provide (r) evolution of input devices. It has been designed in such a way as to satisfy the players sitting on the couch or in a chair watching TV, but at the same time expecting characterized by precision computer mouse. The greatest minds Valve experimented for years with solutions that allow to change the way the control. So as not to do any shortcuts, and provide players with the controller comparable in terms of sensitivity to “rodent”.
, which throws up immediately in your eyes after looking at the graphics presenting the preliminary version of the controller, it’s quite an unusual appearance, reminiscent of … speakers. These associations are not random at all, because, as you can read the description of experiences people are already consuming prototype controller, the device is mounted very small speaker. What’s more, Valve decided to use haptic technology and put two cylinders placed side by side resonance (strong electromagnets), “attached” to the touch panels. With these solutions, we will have to deal with a new level of interaction with the user. It will feel through tactile contact with the panel, to a large extent the impression of speed simulators and racing games, a collision with an obstruction, the texture of the materials or other events that occur while playing games.
traditional system of vibration is likely to go away into oblivion, and the interaction with dual touchpads replacing analogues in no way resembles trackpadów use. Could Steam controller was a remedy for the anguish players who want to sit back on the couch in front of a TV and play without any major glitches in dynamic shooting and strategies, in which most of you play on a traditional duo made up of mouse and keyboard? Speaking at this point for people less literate gamepads, after all, no shortage of users who spend time with these types of games, utilizing not necessarily the best when writing to the device display and the praise.
separate special mention must also touch screen with high resolution, which – as discussed earlier panels – is to serve as a separate button, but … more. His push open access to the menu where you assign additional actions in the game, depending on the needs. Thus, the limits are to be abolished binding to the limited number of available buttons. In addition, Valve intends to provide game developers the API to enable them to take advantage of the opportunities offered by featured Steam controller, and assign a “shield” to a destination (such as scrolling through menus or “recall” a map or screen). The display will also be used to control the Steam client.
first developers moderately appreciate this “imitation” computer mouse. Valve is still working on improving the technology and, moreover, allow others to modify even the electronics! In the future, will be made available for special tools, so that each of us will be able to improve their vision controller by Steam. DIY, where the fun is familiar, you will feel like in paradise.
Steam controller has to work not only with new or planned only titles. Valve has considered as the elderly, do not support this device, games in which the pad will pretend tandem consisting of keyboard and mouse, as it were illustrated in the attached graphic below presents the control system in Portal 2 Buttons that will be a total of sixteen, are fully customizable, and therefore – configure them according to their own whims.
As for Steam Machines,
convince you the most? Is Valve is another recipe for success? Although much information has been further shaped and do not know the prices and specifications of equipment, then look to the future with hope. The SteamOS brings some interesting solutions, including the possibility streamowania games within the home network and use a computer as a game console. About Steam Machines we know too little to be deleted in advance this project – Valve is soon to reveal the specification of the prototype under the control of that system, so we are looking forward, and in this case the company is preparing a surprise. Steam Controller “on paper” looks very ambitious and although probably not fully replace the mouse and keyboard, it will be an interesting alternative, not only for the best gamepads. No analog knobs, custom deployment of specific buttons or as an unusual appearance – and innovative solutions will appeal to the users so far not benefit from this type of controllers in games?
Preview SteamOS
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