Thursday, September 19, 2013

Google struggles with old age - Republic

Larry Page. Fig. Marcin Mycielski, the European Parliament

source: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5

class=”author”> Peter Ko?cielniak 19-09-2013

Founded by Google Calico new company has to deal with “the problem of advanced age and related diseases.”

Internet giant enters the market of health? According to the official press was established Calico will focus on aspects of life that Google has so far ignored. While CEO Larry Page in May 2013 announced that it is planning to finally health, but everyone understands it as an allusion to the problems of the vocal cords, which did not allow him to speak normally.

Google’s plans, however, date back further. “Okay, now probably all think myself that it was something completely different than we do now” – Page wrote on his Google+ profile. “But as we explained in a letter to shareholders, the technologies have enormous potential to generally improve the quality of people’s lives.”

What exactly will be Calico is not yet known. It is possible, however, that will enter the market for biotechnology.

The head was Arthur Levinson – biochemist and microbiologist. Levinson, however, is more commonly known as the head of the biotechnology company Genentech and a board member of Hoffmann-La Roche, and Amyris Biotechnologies. It is now associated with Genentech and … Apple.

– For too many of our friends and family life was too short or too difficult – said the current head of Apple Tim Cook, who – surprisingly – praised the choice Levinson. It is possible, however, that Calico is one of those “extraordinary” Google ideas – like flying power, a car without a driver, balloons providing Internet and glasses Glass.

“You should not be surprised. if we invest in programs that look strange or risky compared to our current online business “- wrote Page, while stressing that investment in Calico are small.

likely Google will use its experience and capabilities in the field of data processing for the analysis of the available information on aging and related diseases – speculates “Time.” “I thought it would be great if we had solved the problem of cancer. To prolong the life expectancy people about three years. This would change the world “- says Page in an interview with the weekly. “These are all cases of cancer are tragic and sad. But when you look at this further, it would have been not progress. “

This gave rise to journalists ‘Time’ to speculate that the Calico ambitions are far greater – an extension of human life, and even a “solution to the problem of death.” “It would be a crazy idea. If it was not for Google “- writes” Time “.

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