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These findings were presented on Saturday, scientists participating in the IV Congress of the Polish Society for the Study of Obesity in Zawiercie (Silesia). Lecture on sexuality obese women at different ages gave prof. Violetta Skrzypulec-plinth at the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice.
In addition to the diseases associated with obesity, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome, or problems with fertility, obese woman struggling with acne often or hypertrichosis. “This all means that it does not accept yourself, do not want sex, because I was afraid of him, ashamed to undress. Obesity is so negative modifier quality of sexual life “- said prof. Skrzypulec-plinth.
As noted, obese women also difficult to choose a method of contraception. You may not use unusual methods in the form of patches, because, to be effective, the patient must not weigh more than 80 kg. Discussion is also birth control pills because it is meant to increase the risk of thrombosis, and it also occurs in obese people. At the menopause, obese woman is more likely to endometrial cancer. IV Congress of the Polish Society for the Study of Obesity gathered in Zawierciu specialists in various fields – family doctors, pediatricians, obstetricians, diabetologists,Agnieszka Mastalerz-Migas from Wroclaw Medical University pointed out that 60-70 per cent. adults in Poland has a problem at least overweight, 20 percent. are obese. “Meanwhile, the system of care for obese patients is not. It is left with the problem alone. There is no coherent socio-political, any support that even an easy way znakowa?oby healthy products, Neutral, unhealthy “- she said.
Pediatrician Dr. Dagmar humble-Ka?wak reported that about 20 per cent. of the 18th years of age are at risk of occurrence of overweight, with these people about 5 percent. are obese. The problem often starts already in utero when the mother’s diet properly and gaining weight excessively. Loss of a child is a waiver by the mother of breastfeeding. “You have to remember that the child has no impact on your diet. Therefore, the role of the pediatrician is aware of his mother, father, and often grandparents, especially grandmothers who are your eating habit s, I have often refuted by medicine. This intervention GP in an environment in which developing young body is very important, “- noted. lun / NOS / (PAP) / sr kobieta.wp.plRECOMMENDED:
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