Saturday, September 14, 2013

Unusual recording. Yes "is" interstellar space - Sfora

NASA unveiled the first in the history of recorded sound interstellar space. The occasion was the final abandonment by Voyager 1 of the solar system.

Sound is a record of the frequency with which vibrates the interstellar plasma. Differences vibration due to changes in its density. Plasma vibrates under the influence of explosions at the nearest star, in this case, our sun.


depict the intensity, “volume” of vibration. Red is the loudest, the worst blue – says NASA.

sound recording shows the frequency of vibration in a way that “hear” them, Voyager 1 The information sent by the probe that the first meeting of the interstellar plasma, took place in August 2012.


built in the laboratory in the U.S. NASA probe Pasadena operate today, scientists from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Mission fired in 1977, the Voyager 1 and its twin, Voyager 2 ended officially in 1989, Moving at the speed of light signal from Earth reaches the probes in 17 hours. Voyager 1 is 19 billion kilometers from the Sun.

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