Sunday, September 22, 2013

She is astronomical autumn -

On Sunday, in the chair. 22.44 our time, Sun had at the point of the autumnal equinox and entered the sign of Libra, thus beginning the astronomical autumn.

On Sunday night began astronomical autumn / PAP / Tomasz Waszczuk /

Sunday night began astronomical autumn

/ PAP / Tomasz Waszczuk /

Earth’s solar orbit sets in the plane that astronomers call the ecliptic. Projected onto the ecliptic intersects the starry night sky constellations 13 – 12 well-known constellations of the zodiac and constellation Ophiuchus. It is in these thirteen constellations we can see the sun throughout the year.

If the axis of rotation of the planet is inclined at an angle of 90 degrees to the ecliptic, we would not have seasons. At any latitude days would last forever just as long, and the sun always
towered on one specific height.

However, the Earth’s rotation axis makes an angle of 66.5 degree of the ecliptic, so that the planet’s changing seasons are caused by varying the length of the day.

Due to the tilt of Earth’s rotation axis to the ecliptic, the ecliptic makes an angle of 23, 5 degree from the equator blue (the projection of Earth’s equator on the celestial sphere). Sun can therefore be 23.5 degrees from the equator blue to 23.5 degrees over it.

In the first case, in the northern hemisphere, our daily celebrity very short stays above the horizon, and we call this day the winter solstice and the beginning of astronomical winter. Six months later, we have a second chance. There is the summer solstice, the sun stays above the horizon long, starting with the same astronomical summer.

Between those two dates, the sun must pass through the celestial equator. The intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator, through which the sun passes between summer and winter, astronomers call point scales. Our daily star found in the astronomical autumn starts and days around that date, it takes exactly the same time every night. Hence, this time called the moment of the autumnal equinox.


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